Anounced crowd of 48,000.....

Nov 20, 2008
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Definitely tickets sold. I would say 30-35,000. WSU had a good group of fans They sold more than the 7,000 allotment according to a guy who was in charge of group travel. We bought 25.00 dollar tickets at the Battle of the Bands fest along with other WSU and Gopher fans. They were in the "View " section of the upper deck. Way up there, but on the 50 yard line. Didn't hear what the final ticket sale count was through the U, but there were Gopher fans all over the stadium. Even on the WSU side. Couldn't guess the the number of Gophers fans in attendance, because they were so spread out. At least half the people I talked to didn't buy their tickets through the U. Considering
the sh-t storm that has been happening I was pretty impressed with number of fans who made the trip.

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