Another former Gopher signs NFL contract, Gable Steveson now part of Bills Mafia

he's listed at 6'1" and 266 lbs. I assume that once he doesn't have to worry about making weight to wrestle, he can add a few pounds, but he will still be an undersized DT.

the question is whether his athletic ability can compensate for his size. I read somewhere that the Bills' coach was a two-time national championship wrestler in HS, so at least they can have some good wrestling conversations. (looked up McDermott's bio on the Bills' website. lists his favorite movie as "Vision Quest," which is about a HS wrestler).

He has never played football at any level before. I assume he has nearly zero % chance. Stevenson has athletic freakishness, but what about technique, react and read, at NFL speed.

Maybe this would take two seasons of repetitions at the least.


he's listed at 6'1" and 266 lbs. I assume that once he doesn't have to worry about making weight to wrestle, he can add a few pounds, but he will still be an undersized DT.

the question is whether his athletic ability can compensate for his size. I read somewhere that the Bills' coach was a two-time national championship wrestler in HS, so at least they can have some good wrestling conversations. (looked up McDermott's bio on the Bills' website. lists his favorite movie as "Vision Quest," which is about a HS wrestler).
The average DT is around 6'3" and 310 pounds. He probably won't get much taller but putting on 40 pounds could happen. Then the question is what that does to his quickness and athleticism, since I would imagine if he bulked up that much it would be difficult for it to be all muscle.

he's listed at 6'1" and 266 lbs. I assume that once he doesn't have to worry about making weight to wrestle, he can add a few pounds, but he will still be an undersized DT.

the question is whether his athletic ability can compensate for his size. I read somewhere that the Bills' coach was a two-time national championship wrestler in HS, so at least they can have some good wrestling conversations. (looked up McDermott's bio on the Bills' website. lists his favorite movie as "Vision Quest," which is about a HS wrestler).
Make weight? He was in the WWE they don't do weight classes ;)

Make weight? He was in the WWE they don't do weight classes ;)

as of last year, he was still considering maintaining his amateur status to wrestle in college or make another shot at the Olympics. where you do have to make weight.

and I would humbly suggest that listed weights in pro wrestling may not be 100% accurate.....

as of last year, he was still considering maintaining his amateur status to wrestle in college or make another shot at the Olympics. where you do have to make weight.
Is that really true for him? I mean, Rulon Gardner wasn't exactly in the best of shape when he won his gold medal.

Is that really true for him? I mean, Rulon Gardner wasn't exactly in the best of shape when he won his gold medal.

from what I can find online, Olympic Men's Freestyle's top weight class has a 275-pound limit. Greco-Roman's top class has a 286-pound limit. I'd have to do some more digging, but I think after Chris Taylor, they put limits on the heavyweight class at all levels of amateur wrestling. (actually it was later than that but they did impose limits)

from what I can find online, Olympic Men's Freestyle's top weight class has a 275-pound limit. Greco-Roman's top class has a 286-pound limit. I'd have to do some more digging, but I think after Chris Taylor, they put limits on the heavyweight class at all levels of amateur wrestling. (actually it was later than that but they did impose limits)

I wonder why?


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