Annual Pay Hommage to Lois Feldman Thread

What will she ever tell her grandchildren?

That whole situation has the makings of a great Halloween costume, if you wanted to stoop and wear Iowa sh!t.

2 photos: one of a male hawkeye fan and the other of a lipless female in front of a Christmas tree. who is the guy?

2 photos: one of a male hawkeye fan and the other of a lipless female in front of a Christmas tree. who is the guy?
Wait! Do you not know the story? It is a classic tale of lust, love, adultery and college football. One for the ages that will be told around camp fires and dinner tables for years to come.

Wait! Do you not know the story? It is a classic tale of lust, love, adultery and college football. One for the ages that will be told around camp fires and dinner tables for years to come.

I don't know it either :(

Lois Feldman is Iowa's Princess Di.

But a live version.

Is there any way someone could get the P.A. announcer to request Lois and/or Ross to come to the Guest Services on Saturday during the game? I might die laughing.

Is there any way someone could get the P.A. announcer to request Lois and/or Ross to come to the Guest Services on Saturday during the game? I might die laughing.

now that would be classic!

According to the Des Moines Register, the guy that banged her was only 26. Is that him in the first picture? He looks like he's in his mid 40s.

If you go back to the 2008 threads, there are all the lurid details. Included in which are the police reports that show that the woman was the aggressor and in the top position.

If you go back to the 2008 threads, there are all the lurid details. Included in which are the police reports that show that the woman was the aggressor and in the top position.
That's funny, if you read the article that came out right after, she told the paper what her attorney told her: “He feels I was taken advantage of in my state of mind,” she said. “This is not me. We’re a very good family. This shouldn’t happen.” She also says that it's not her fault that she got so drunk, as she was drinking at a friend's house before the game and they kept filling her glass full of wine. I have zero sympathy for this woman. I've also got news for her husband, this likely wasn't the first or only time she's cheated on him.

Is there any way someone could get the P.A. announcer to request Lois and/or Ross to come to the Guest Services on Saturday during the game? I might die laughing.

What about a message on the scoreboard? Lois, meet me in the usual place. Love, Ross.

Attention: we have a little boy named Ross who appears to have lost his "Mommy" Lois. Please get him from the handicapped stall in the men's room.

Is there any way someone could get the P.A. announcer to request Lois and/or Ross to come to the Guest Services on Saturday during the game? I might die laughing.

How much does a congratulations! note cost?

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