
The "Always Available" Dick Bremer and Keith Fahnhorst doing color? Lea B. Olson on the sidelines?

The "Always Available" Dick Bremer and Keith Fahnhorst doing color? Lea B. Olson on the sidelines?

If it's a Fox channel, probably Anthony Lapanta

Bremer the biggest dickhead in local sports genre.

I'm way old and I remember when announcers had some semblance of balance, but franchises want announcers to be homers now and I can't think of a more sickening homer most of the Twins' broadcast team. Blyleven's the only one who ever tips a cap to the opposition. Twins could be losing 18-0 and Bremer and Gladden would still be talking them up.

I think the Gopher football broadcast team really does a great job. They are always pushing the Gophers, but Darrell Thompson always credits good play by opponents and points out Gopher mistakes and that's good to hear.

As for this game, I'm just glad I won't have to listen to Matt Millen.

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