About 26 hours from now, I'll arrive in the Twin Cities. Another 24 hours from that, I'll be at the night before party. The morning after that...well, let's just say I've been waiting for September 12th for a long time.
It's not like I will be doing anything at work on Friday. Friday will definately be on mind vacation mode at work. Dang it's going to be hard to sleep Friday night, the anticipation is going too be just to great to get any meaningful sleep. All gophers, all the time on Friday.
started to think about my own passing, something I never consider.
It would be much like the '03 Michigan game for me to drop dead of a heart attack or get run over by a pizza delivery driver on my daily bike ride this week, right before the one event I've been waiting years for. I actually evaluated job opportunities around the US this last year based upon my ability to get back to for the games quickly and cheaply. Fortunately I found a new and better job right by campus, since no one in Chicago was clogging my e mail account with interview requests. (Chicago would have worked well for travel to games at TCF and Big 10 road games, plus I like Chicago)
I better make up a new will so someone deserving gets the 14 tickets for this year's games.