And another reason to Celebrate


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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With the coaches shows, pregame, and game not on WCCO, you will not have to listen to Mike Max. :clap::clap::clap:

Its a great day in Gopher Nation!

I'm shocked as to how many people don't like the sportscasters in the cities regardless of station. Maybe those folks should get on the air as a career if they think they are so good. That might mean getting off the couch though.

I like Mike Max. He is a nice guy and I enjoy the hard work he puts in to getting very good guests.

I think the joy around here over losing a broadcasting partner of 68 years is a bit much.

I think the joy around here over losing a broadcasting partner of 68 years is a bit much.

Most people aren't happy unless they are bit--ing. I grew up enjoying Sid and Dave, Mike Max, PA and Dubay etc. because they provided what I wanted to listen to...sports talk. They were far from perfect, as am I, but they were all I had so they were who I supported. I didn't need the world's greatest, i just wanted to listen to sports talk. I will be disappointed when any of them are done/gone becuase it is part of my past and growing up which I remember fondly. Hopefully young kids can find the same enjoyment I did in today's market.

I think the joy around here over losing a broadcasting partner of 68 years is a bit much.

I think you are mostly right about this, but the station and it's talent and relevance have been heading south for a long time, and it is too bad. I am not a big fan of the talk or sports formats, but even they are much more listenable than the crew on WCCO. Except for football Dave Lee is actually not bad, but the rest of the day is a wipe out, and i do not listen to radio while he is on the air.

Mike Max sounds like Sylvester the cat. You can almost feel the spittle hitting your ear when he is on the air.

And maybe when this contract expires, WCCO will step up and offer the U a better deal. It's always good to have serious competition, they can go back and forth every few years for all I care if it gets better deals for the U.

I like Mike Max. He is a nice guy and I enjoy the hard work he puts in to getting very good guests.

Anyone would go on that show, because they know that they'll get nothing but softball questions and drooling fanboy praise from the host. Combine that with his thrilling talk about D-3 football and town team baseball all year, and you can pretty much figure out why many of us think he's a lightweight and a bore.

Anyone would go on that show, because they know that they'll get nothing but softball questions and drooling fanboy praise from the host. Combine that with his thrilling talk about D-3 football and town team baseball all year, and you can pretty much figure out why many of us think he's a lightweight and a bore.

+1, I have hardly ever learned a thing from a Mike Max interview. I am not going to miss coaches shows with 10 minute commercial breaks.

Not to mention that by some accounts, he's really not that nice a guy. Apparently those who have played baseball with him say he whines constantly and berates umpires. Really classy behavior for amateur sports.

Not to mention that by some accounts, he's really not that nice a guy. Apparently those who have played baseball with him say he whines constantly and berates umpires. Really classy behavior for amateur sports.

Perhaps I can help you there, disco. I don't hang out with Mike Max and I havent bumped into him in a couple years now. I tend to run into his fine parents more frequently. But, I have known him for about 30 years. Like the rest of his family: he is a very nice dude and a hard worker. He didn't arrive on a jet... He grew up here and is doing what he loves. He's as Minnesotan as one can be. I'm sure with a public-eye career such as his, people like you come with the territory. He can hack it. Do consider the following though: Minnesota isn't a huge place so perhaps think about it the next time you spew BS and share "some accounts."

Perhaps I can help you there, disco. I don't hang out with Mike Max and I havent bumped into him in a couple years now. I tend to run into his fine parents more frequently. But, I have known him for about 30 years. Like the rest of his family: he is a very nice dude and a hard worker. He didn't arrive on a jet... He grew up here and is doing what he loves. He's as Minnesotan as one can be. I'm sure with a public-eye career such as his, people like you come with the territory. He can hack it. Do consider the following though: Minnesota isn't a huge place so perhaps think about it the next time you spew BS and share "some accounts."

Well, next time you "run into him" perhaps you could ask him if he's ever considered doing a real interview, instead of lobbing his brown-nosing garbage at his guests. He may love what he does, but as a journalist, he's a hack, a minor-league version of Sid. He may be a nice guy, I don't know, but he's a really lousy radio host and a worse interviewer.

I like Mike Max. He is a nice guy and I enjoy the hard work he puts in to getting very good guests.

I'll say this for Mike Max. A few years back I had the opportunity to watch a little Gopher football with Mike Max and the man genuinely wants the Gophers to win and do well.

I'm not sure where all of the hatred for Max comes from. People berate the TC''s media up and down for being too negative and then they berate Max for being too much of a homer and lobbing too many softball during interviews. It makes me wonder whether Ed Murrow would be able to get a seal of approval from this board.

I'll say this for Mike Max. A few years back I had the opportunity to watch a little Gopher football with Mike Max and the man genuinely wants the Gophers to win and do well.

I'm not sure where all of the hatred for Max comes from. People berate the TC''s media up and down for being too negative and then they berate Max for being too much of a homer and lobbing too many softball during interviews. It makes me wonder whether Ed Murrow would be able to get a seal of approval from this board.

I think people on this board in particular, tend to rip Reusse, Souhan and Barrierio for their negativity, but I'd argue that they're being honest and objective, rather than the drooling cheerleaders over on WCCO. I want to hear people who are willing to be critical.

I want the Gophers to win too, but I'm perfectly fine with people ripping them (and that includes the players - this is big time sports, not the Pop Warner league) if they don't.


Me ... I'm a fan of the Gophers and have been for 40 years. I have no problem listening to a station that is a cheerleader and promotes the positive things about the program. If I want the negative things about the program I only have to click on here and I know I will be able to find it.

The negativity towards the media from this board is somewhere between sad and pathetic.

He said something bad against my gophers. He should be fired.

He is too much of a homer. How can you listen to him.

He doesn't ask tough questions. He's an amatuer.

He got a fact wrong. Very unprofessional.

He said something I don't agree on. He is a moron.

He talked about a sport I don't care about. He's boring.

He doesn't go to enough games. He's a hack.

Sounds like a bunch of whinning crybabies.:cry:

BTW Dave Lee is really bad at PBP.:cool02:

Re: Mike Max: 3 or 4 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Mike at the Fishing Opener at Eddy's Resort on Lake Mille Lacs. As I watched on, he interviewed my then 9 year old grandson and that interview was recorded and shown on WCCO-TV Fishing Opener Report. My grandson had a memory he will never forget, as did I. The best question Mike asked my grandson was, "Did you catch any walleye?" My honest grandson said, "Not yet." Then Mike asked him, "Why do you suppose that was?" Again my honest grandson answered, "I don't think my Dad had us fishing at the right depth of water." All Mike could do was laugh. Later, in the Restaurant at Eddy's Resort, my grandson and I were having breakfast, and Mike Max came over, recognizing my grandson and me, said "Hi" to us, picked up our tab and bought our breakfast. My grandson and I still relish that memory, so to make a short story long, Mike Max has my support. Go Gophers and Go Twins!!!

The negativity towards the media from this board is somewhere between sad and pathetic.

He said something bad against my gophers. He should be fired.

He is too much of a homer. How can you listen to him.

He doesn't ask tough questions. He's an amatuer.

He got a fact wrong. Very unprofessional.

He said something I don't agree on. He is a moron.

He talked about a sport I don't care about. He's boring.

He doesn't go to enough games. He's a hack.

Sounds like a bunch of whinning crybabies.:cry:

BTW Dave Lee is really bad at PBP.:cool02:

This is why I prefer going to the games without the benefit of broadcasters and forming my own illogical opinions about the coaching and team’s play.

Good story Doc.

Has you grandson straightened out his father yet?

BTW I enjoy Mike Max. I don't agree with everything but he does a good job imo and works his butt off, and he does care about the Gophers. Not everyone needs to be like Inside Edition. Pick and choose who you want to agree with. No need for every media person to be the same, that is what would be scary.

Good story Doc.

Has you grandson straightened out his father yet?

BTW I enjoy Mike Max. I don't agree with everything but he does a good job imo and works his butt off, and he does care about the Gophers. Not everyone needs to be like Inside Edition. Pick and choose who you want to agree with. No need for every media person to be the same, that is what would be scary.

19..To reply to the bold part...Yes he did...Last year his dad took this old phart again for the Opener and I got the biggest walleye award with on the opener. 26.5 inch slot fish released. (Equates to about 7.5 - 8 pounds.) We use the unofficial guide of a 20 incher is about 2 pounds, and 1 pound per inch after that.

Secondly..."No need for every media person to be the same, that is what would be scary." Amen to that, just like no need for every GopherHoler to be the same. I enjoy all of the differing opinions, it is just the immature name-calling the pi$$es of this old phart.


first of all you mispleded fart. Can't believe dp did not call you out.

secondly, notice no caps, it's kind of like sly said....different strokes for diferent folks.

I did that on purpose...did you on mispleded? I assume so, but then assume = ass u me.

dp is ok in my book, because he has the absolute #1 comment in the History of the blogosphere when he said on 12/10/10...well, check blizzard's signature about dpodoll saying to dboy (now banned) ..."congratulations on reaching an epic-heretofore-unheard-of-level-of-dumbassery". THAT is the absolute best, so dpodoll is ok in my book. And there are a few that are on that same list as determined by the former Head Referee of Pi$$ing Contests, yours truly the good Dr.Don.

I did that on purpose...did you on mispleded? I assume so, but then assume = ass u me.

dp is ok in my book, because he has the absolute #1 comment in the History of the blogosphere when he said on 12/10/10...well, check blizzard's signature about dpodoll saying to dboy (now banned) ..."congratulations on reaching an epic-heretofore-unheard-of-level-of-dumbassery". THAT is the absolute best, so dpodoll is ok in my book. And there are a few that are on that same list as determined by the former Head Referee of Pi$$ing Contests, yours truly the good Dr.Don.

Different strokes for different folks
and so on and so forth

With the coaches shows, pregame, and game not on WCCO, you will not have to listen to Mike Max. :clap::clap::clap:

Its a great day in Gopher Nation!

I am OK with going to KFAN for one reason: increased awareness of Gopher sports to a slightly different crowd. They do need a total revamp of their "talent" for me to hail them as a real sports station.

I'm shocked as to how many people don't like the sportscasters in the cities regardless of station. Maybe those folks should get on the air as a career if they think they are so good. That might mean getting off the couch though.

Maybe you should jump into the wayback. WCCO radio had Halsey Hall, Ray Scott, Hal Scott, Paul Giel, Herb Carneal, Ray Christensen, Al Shaver, Sid Hartman, and Morgan Mundane via Steve Cannon to name just a few.

What is left at CBS Minnesota? Mike Max, Steve Thompson, Eric Nelson, and Sid. I liked the sportcasters of yesterday, you can have what's left.

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