An open letter to wren: RETURN to Sender

In response to Kelly Leeks open letter to me...

NO RESPONSE to speak of... RE: kelly leeks no show...

I was sign of you...saw some old friends.....can't wait for you not to show. Later dude, same old kelly I'll presume.


NO SUCH PERSON...No such such zone

In response to Kelly Leeks open letter to me...

NO RESPONSE to speak of... RE: kelly leeks no show...

I was sign of you...saw some old friends.....can't wait for you not to show. Later dude, same old kelly I'll presume.


NO SUCH PERSON...No such such zone

Hey Wren,

I apologize not for responding to the initial thread. Glad that you're back here. Interesting times.

I am curious to get your take on Fleck.

Any idea how The Loon is doing? He was a good guy to watch a game with.

Hey Leeks!

There is not much to do now but buy the row boat, become as much...or as little a "fleckhead" flock member as you choose, wait until he puts a team on the field, see how that team does against Conference foes (OOC non-conference games can only hurt you and can never help you. ( Only HOOPS fans get excited about non-conference and early season games.) The number of Big Ten Wins vs. the number of Big Ten losses. Compare that to the Big Ten Standings and it will tell us how the Fleckhead Flockers who post here on this site and the other sites around GOPHERVILLE are either over-hyping or over-bashing the GOPHER Coach in comparison to the other Big Ten Football Coaches.

ALSO: do everything you can to hope that prexy k is canned (mostly for his failures in supervising the former new ad: "norwood scandal" as well as the most recent unpleasant and very unfortuante happenings surrounding the football program. A lot of damage was done to a LOT of people and the University administration did NOT cover themselves in glory. I am assuming that when prexy k. approaches the State Legislators with his hand -out asking for $147 million that they will spend a LOT of time discussing the horrible management occurring at the University of Minnesota under the direction of this administration of prexy k. TOUGH questions must be answered about how prexy k is NEVER responsible for ANYTHING at the U.

I was going to cancel my season tickets in protest of prexy k....but...have decided to buy them again and even make the mandated scholarship donation to the U. So, while I am an old guy, and these cultish "fleckisms" and the "over-the-top" boat rowing, elite claims that don't sound so elite to me and only will IF enough Big Ten Wins achieved on the football field during the 2017 season, I will say what I think I see, but give the whole situation the benefit of waiting to see how the team competes against Big Ten Competition and how this FLECKHEAD-FOOTBALL does in the Western Conference. I don't automatically think Fleck is the greatest thing since sliced bread and will judge him by his record. He has NO Big Ten Record as the U of M Football I have NO idea how he will do. Remember, I am old...and not too fond of the hype, outrageous claims I am seeing some fans seem to think will be the outcome of this uprising, commotion and mantra stuff....but, I'm also old enough and stupid enough to realize that I guess I really don't have any better ideas at the moment. Maybe some of this crazy crap will stick and maybe even a little of it will work. I hope it does, but just don't know how to join the parade at my ripe old age and with all of "set in my own ways" attitude stuff going on.

I will try not to offend folks who have, entirely too easily and somewhat prematurely jumped on board, rowed themselves silly, elited all over themselves and have become part of the growing number of freaking flecker flockers, flocking all over the stadium for the first game. (I hope there ARE tons of them!) I guess they won't hurt anything, as long as they don't make too many outrageous claims and take themselves too seriously. Then, once Big Ten ball starts we will learn what we will learn about the first season of "flecker-ball..."

I think that is pretty darn fair and open minded for an old fart like me who will turn 70 before the first game.

I ran into LOON and his wife last season once. He is a great Gopher Fan. Many falsehoods and much misinformation was posted on this board. He is one of the most capable football observers I have ever run into. Haven't seen much of him in the last years...but, he really is one of the GREAT GOPHER Football observers I have had the chance to meet and spend a bit of time with. I think everyone knows how outrageous an angry mob can turn on an internet message board talking about a subject as emotionally charged as GOPHER FOOTBALL/and there was a lot of pretty nasty stuff that went on ten years ago with a lot of Gopher Web sites around the Twin Cities. Oh well...water over the damn...or at least damn water.

So, "...fleck is still a mystery to me....I thought he'd come in gracefully. But, he really does come in with quite a frenzy of activity...and I can see that Millennials and Gen X-ers and even some Baby boomers have probably been waiting for a flashy opening act ever since Brewster hit the scene. (I'm not comparing him to Brewster...more like the Rev. Sun...moon...stars and earth and the Moonie mania that happened long ago. That is a joke...but...the way the FLECKER is flecking and the flockers of fleckerheads are flocking to their new little god...I don't quite know what to say. It was nothing like this in 1959 when the fans were throwing trash on Murray Warmath's lawn and Ike Armstrong, the AD at the time was defending his football coach to the death rather than to let the media and the fans hang Murray in effigy.

I haven't seen any of that kind of loyalty or passion....but...flecker's flock sure loves him and thinks the world will never be the same. Maybe it won't.

In 1960, Murray won a NC though. Let's see how many games in the Big Ten Fleckball can win in 2017! Good luck to him...the flocking flecker flock and ALL of us Golden Gopher Football Fans....

Later, Leeks

Welcome back Wren - I have missed your perspective. We met years ago - introduced by your brother. And, although I am somewhat of a Fleckhead, big 10 wins and losses are what count!

see how that team does against Conference foes (OOC non-conference games can only hurt you and can never help you.

Fleck vs. Big Ten
2013: 0-3 (losses to MSU, Northwestern, Iowa)
2014: 0-1 (loss to Purdue)
2015: 0-2 (losses to MSU, tOSU)
2016: 2-0 (wins to Northwestern, Illinois)

Flecks head coaching record against Big Ten teams = 2-6

Very Mason-like so far.

Welcome back Wren - I have missed your perspective. We met years ago - introduced by your brother. And, although I am somewhat of a Fleckhead, big 10 wins and losses are what count![/QUOTEI \

I remember you well and that Spring Game. My brother makes it to a lot of the Spring Practices sessions and we'll be at all the home games....and possibly a road game or two in 2017. He's a better fan and knows football a lot better than I do.

I hope Fleck has great success. I am just a bit overwhelmed at the moment with all this. It's probably great....but I am too old and reserved to know what to make of it all. I also thought TC & the STAFFERS didn't get treated very well by the prexy and ad... Here, I thought TC & the STAFFERS were doing a pretty darn good job at 9-4 in 2016. But: what is: IS and that's the way it will be. In my own old guy way, I need to be able to say: time will tell and I will know once I see how the Big Ten Games turn out.

I do feel concerned for the players returning in the sense that Fleck makes the third coach some of them have had since the 2015 season started. What must some of them, who were recruited by Jerry Kill be thinking and how will the kids who are in their 4th or 5th year be able to figure out what the hell the new coach will want from them now?

I think the cupboard is not bare and have some hopes for a bunch of Big Ten wins in 2017! I hope the new coaches are GOOD at evaluating the talent that is there and will put them in situations and schemes that fit the PLAYER'S talents, strengths and skills rather than just try to FORCE what the Coaches want out of them. LET these Student Athletes be successful in 2017 and then worry about what the coach wants to run a year or two down the road. The Juniors and seniors are running out of NCAA time. The coaches get paid entirely too well for their time...

Hope to see you around as we watch FLECKBALL emerge @ the U of M!

Hey Wren,

Nice to have you back.

You are a true Gopher fan and very generous. Remember giving me tickets and our mixup in meeting location? Requiring a second trip?

I am reserving judgement on Fleck as well.

Yes I do! Great to hear from you. I really do hope that it all works out very well for Fleck since the administration has gone in and is betting the farm on this venture. It has been EXPENSIVE. So, I hope something good comes from it.

Yet, my experience tells me "...better get some results to verify all hopes, dreams, wishes and maybe ifs..."

I'll never forget the fact that we were probably standing about a half a short block apart waiting for each other so I could give you the extra tickets. It worked out in the end, but, it was a good reminder to me to remember that you can be SO CLOSE and not get the job done. Funny. Your reminder of that put a smile on my face.

Those tickets were courtesy of one of the GREATEST Gopher Fans I have ever had the honor of meeting: 6 Nov, 1999, I think his moniker is. For years he bought season tickets that he could very seldom for he and his family and he was kind enough to send them to me quite often to try to get out to fans.

Hope all is well Barnburner! And, here is hoping that things go well for our GOPHER FOOTBALL TEAM in 2017! Good luck to the GOPHER! The ball is in Coach Fleck's hands and he will do with it what he will do!

In response to Kelly Leeks open letter to me...

NO RESPONSE to speak of... RE: kelly leeks no show...

I was sign of you...saw some old friends.....can't wait for you not to show. Later dude, same old kelly I'll presume.

I think he died in a car crash.

Hey Wren,

I apologize not for responding to the initial thread. Glad that you're back here. Interesting times.

I am curious to get your take on Fleck.

Any idea how The Loon is doing? He was a good guy to watch a game with.

Oh wait. I guess he didn't.

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