Amelia Rayno is your new STRIB reporter

Thanks for the tip FTB.

Welcome Amelia! Your story on Knoblauch was one of the best I have seen in the STrib in a long time. Hopefully that is a sign of things to come for Gopher hoops.

Go Gophers!!

Her stuff that I've seen is good. Now to convert her to the world of tempo-free stats...

Myron's Replacement is..... Amelia Rayno

Sorry I missed it was posted already.

Just an FYI: Monday will be my last day with the Star Tribune. I'm taking a college basketball reporting job with, but I'm thankful for the opportunity that the Star Tribune has given me over the last four years.

I've had so much fun. The blogs, the stories, the games, the trips, the people, the live chats (The Barbershop) and more. I've had a great experience.

Please treat my successor well. Her name is Amelia Rayno. She'll do a great job.

Thanks again.

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