Amelia Rayno: Gopher Basketball: The best-and-worst-case scenarios this season


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Mar 23, 2010
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I’m still in my first week on the beat, which means I’m going through the usual first-week stuff for the first time. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing tons of reading and have looked at ranking after ranking for the Big Ten. Now, it’s time to form my own prediction.

Best case: 3rd (behind Ohio State & one other)
Worst case: 11th (ahead of Penn State)
The call: 5th (or tied for 5th)

While it's nice that you provide a link to the blog posting, pasting the entire text of the article here doesn't seem kosher.

Yeah, we only do that for people who don't deserve hits, like Reusse or Souhan. Amelia's impressed me so far.

Yeah, we only do that for people who don't deserve hits, like Reusse or Souhan. Amelia's impressed me so far.

What about this impressed you? The really general statements or the uncreative takes that any casual fan could come up with?

Give me 10 minutes, a copy of the schedule and the roster and I'll have a better write-up then hers that she claims to have spent a ton of time coming up with. Reading national reports, etc.

Well, I wasn't talking about this piece of work, which is actually not bad for somebody's who's been on the job (and paying attention to the Gophers) for less than a week, but her work on the Mbakwe matter, which was solid journalism.

It's a blog posting, it's not gonna be earth shattering, though that Mbakwe entry was legit. She opened it up for others to post their thoughts, this isn't like an official predictions article or something.

But in any event, whether it's easy or not, she pretty much hit the nail on the head. I've said before I think the guards are CRUCIAL to this season. We can't have the average to inadequate play we had down the stretch last season. But at the same time, they don't have to be elite by any means, just be able to initiate the offense, hit open shots, being able to create off the bounce would be nice.

I think we'll see improvement this year, just from having the offseason to work on getting guys ready for their roles. Hopefully we don't see any injuries that place people where they're not comfortable this year.

What about this impressed you?

It was just refresing not to read any of that M'ron mumbo-jumbo about Ralph or Rodney's making it to the next level.

The way Mbakwe abused Ralph at the all-star event was evidence enough (along with the last three years) why he will never be on an NBA roster.

It was just refresing not to read any of that M'ron mumbo-jumbo about Ralph or Rodney's making it to the next level.

The way Mbakwe abused Ralph at the all-star event was evidence enough (along with the last three years) why he will never be on an NBA roster.

We don't need those words put together.

Who on earth would predict the Gophers 10th? Anything is possible, but to predict that two of Iowa, Nebraska, and Penn State will finish ahead of Minnesota seems like quite a stretch.

Minnesotans tend to be negative with their "realistic" expectations (cause or effect?), but I would say that I expect 5th-6th in the Big Ten and a 8-11 seed in the tournament. I would not be pleased with that type of seasons, but that is my best guess for what is likely to occur.

It was just refresing not to read any of that M'ron mumbo-jumbo about Ralph or Rodney's making it to the next level.

The way Mbakwe abused Ralph at the all-star event was evidence enough (along with the last three years) why he will never be on an NBA roster.

do you read anything outside Gopherhole and Minnesota publications for your news. An article at ESPN had Rodney as top 10 prospect for the NBA draft before the season started. At the end of last season he was still in the top 100 if not higher. Lets not pretend that Myron just fired up this stance on Rodney and the rest of the nation followed his lead. I am pretty sure he was just reporting the information he was obtaining.

The fact of the matter is Williams and Sampson will get a shot at the next level. If they are able to make anything out of it will be the story. I didn't read a lot of Myron but when I did I never saw him pounding his chest at how great Rodney or Ralph were. I am pretty confident he was more aware of there weaknesses and how it affected the results on the court than you.

Who on earth would predict the Gophers 10th? Anything is possible, but to predict that two of Iowa, Nebraska, and Penn State will finish ahead of Minnesota seems like quite a stretch.

Minnesotans tend to be negative with their "realistic" expectations (cause or effect?), but I would say that I expect 5th-6th in the Big Ten and a 8-11 seed in the tournament. I would not be pleased with that type of seasons, but that is my best guess for what is likely to occur.

Clearly you forgot how the season ended last year? This team couldn't beat anybody. Is it realistic they are going to be this poor, no but they are relying on a lot of newcomers with limited or no college experience.

Who is our go to scorer? Who can get to the rim at will, hell even occasionally? Are we a better free throw shooting team than last year? Can anyone shoot from the perimeter or even hit a mid range jumper? To many people overvalued the loss of Al Nolen and just assume if he never got hurt we wouldn't have missed a beat. You have to be able to shoot free throws down the stretch to win.

The fact of the matter is Williams and Sampson will get a shot at the next level. If they are able to make anything out of it will be the story. I didn't read a lot of Myron but when I did I never saw him pounding his chest at how great Rodney or Ralph were. I am pretty confident he was more aware of there weaknesses and how it affected the results on the court than you.
Very true. Rodney is athletic as athletic can be. Ralph is considered a "legacy"(I'm not sure where I heard this, but I read this somewhere). They will both at least get a shot. If Rodney shows anything at all this year other than athleticism i can see him being a pick just outside of the lottery, depending on the stock of this year's class.

Clearly you forgot how the season ended last year? This team couldn't beat anybody. Is it realistic they are going to be this poor, no but they are relying on a lot of newcomers with limited or no college experience. To many people overvalued the loss of Al Nolen and just assume if he never got hurt we wouldn't have missed a beat. You have to be able to shoot free throws down the stretch to win.

So you're saying the fact that Nolen was present in both of our wins over top 10 teams, our win over West Virginia, and our narrow 3-point road loss to #2 Ohio State, and the fact that he was gone during our losses at Indiana, at Northwestern, vs Michigan at home, and both of our losses to Penn State were just a coincidence?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that with Nolen, we win the last five conference regular season games (at Penn State, Mich State, Mich, at Northwestern, Penn State) and we win at Indiana and beat Illinois at home, putting us at 13-5. Not only does Nolen give us at the very least a solid point guard and a great defender, but it also allows Hoff to play SG, where he is much more effective. Who knows, with home court advantage, we maybe could have beaten #1 Ohio State seeing as we only lost by 3 on the road, and Nolen was quite effective in that game. With Nolen, I think we would have won at least 4 more games (probably more), bringing us to 10-8 and the first time that Minnesota has ever gone dancing three consecutive years.

If Devoe Joseph had stayed, the loss of Nolen wouldn't have hurt the team quite so dramatically, but I think most would agree that Nolen's foot injury was the thing that really sent the season into a tailspin. We were a top 15 team with him, we were 9th in the Big Ten without him.

Fortunately this year though, we have point guards, so let's just pray that they don't get injured and then hopefully we'll do alright.

[Fortunately this year though, we have point guards, so let's just pray that they don't get injured and then hopefully we'll do alright.[/QUOTE]

One of the big questions, though, is that there is no pure point. A lot of guards, but no sure fire bet to be able to run the point.

The fact of the matter is Williams and Sampson will get a shot at the next level.

You are completely missing the point... He (the 'M' word) wrote about their potential to leave for the nba after the season, every year. How did that work out?

I just want to hear about the Gophers, B1G & NCAA basketball. That is what was refreshing.

I don't care if Sampson makes it to the pro's next year, doubt it, but don't care either way. As for Rodney, we don't need any preseason predictions, let's just watch him play this season and find out.

Thanks Katze!

I will be happy if any one or more of the current gophers end up in the NBA but that is not why I (and I am assuming most of you) watch NCAA basketball.

they are relying on a lot of newcomers with limited or no college experience

They are? Other than An. Hollins and maybe Oto, who is going to be playing heavy minutes that doesn't have a decent-to-sizeable amount of college floor experience?

They are? Other than An. Hollins and maybe Oto, who is going to be playing heavy minutes that doesn't have a decent-to-sizeable amount of college floor experience?
Possibly Coleman.

You are completely missing the point... He (the 'M' word) wrote about their potential to leave for the nba after the season, every year. How did that work out?

I just want to hear about the Gophers, B1G & NCAA basketball. That is what was refreshing.

I don't care if Sampson makes it to the pro's next year, doubt it, but don't care either way. As for Rodney, we don't need any preseason predictions, let's just watch him play this season and find out.



Is our only goal to find someone better at this than Myron was? I hope not.

Just because someone is better, doesn't mean they are good. If Andre Hollins is a better PG than Hoffarber was, does that make him good? No. I do agree the piece on Mbakwe was good but it takes about 30 seconds of looking at the Gophers stats from last year and reading some analysis that guards at the big question mark. Not ground breaking nor is the excuse "she has only been following Gopher basketball for a week" good enough for me nor should it be for anyone here. Make a prediction that says something. If she can't do that, she shouldn't have the job.

What about this impressed you? The really general statements or the uncreative takes that any casual fan could come up with?

Give me 10 minutes, a copy of the schedule and the roster and I'll have a better write-up then hers that she claims to have spent a ton of time coming up with. Reading national reports, etc.

Nope. No you couldn't. Sorry. You (probably) have zero grasp of the AP writing style and general sports writing structure or flow.

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