AM 1500 KSTP all sports talk


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I kind of blasted them in the off topic forum the other day. I couldnt remember the last time I turned on Soucheray and he was talking sports. And they still have the gardening shop on sat morning.They seemed to be about the same as KFAN. But I have to say this---the morning show with --is it John Hanson? (the guy who hosts Twin Cities Llive) and Doogie. I have yet to tune them in and they havent been talking sports. I hope when they get ESPN it doesnt take that show off. The talk is interesting and they seem to work hard on the show. This morning they had a coach on who played Xavier twice this year---i tuned it late--Fordham coach maybe? YIKES. Did he have Xavier rated high. He said they have no weaknesses and says they are in the top 10 or 15 in the country and their seeding was worse than it should have been--maybe because they didnt win their tournament. After hearing this I am very worried about the gophers advancing. They seem tough as nails. The coach just raved about them.

I agree that the morning show in its current form is great, but based on all reports in the news, they will be switching to all ESPN before noon starting sometime in April. I really can't stand the ESPN Mike and Mike show so I'll have to look elsewhere for morning radio. It's too bad that we finally got a decent morning sports show and it is going to turn out to be temporary.

Thanks for listening ... Yes, it was the interim coach at Fordham ... they lost by a combined 72 pts to Xavier this year, although they lost to everyone (won only 2-games) ... good guy, youngest head coach in D-1 at 29-years-old ... only interim though, not guaranteed full-time spot ... he had a hard time distinguishing between 'Nova (played them early) and Xavier ... said Xavier is better than Temple ... I am not as sold ... John thinks Xavier wins big ... I think either way, it is a 4-7 point game.

skoalvikings -- Thanks ... yes, Mike & Mike kick-in come April 12 ... this is just a very temporary thing.

When is the last time you heard a coach interviewed about an NCAA team from thier conference and they said 'actually, they're not very good, you should win easily'? I'm not saying everything he said isn't accurate, but it's basically par for the course. A radio station in Cincy is probably interviewing Tom Izzo right now, and he's making the Gophers sould like a Final Four threat.

What else would the kid from Fordham say? "Oh, they're a decent team.. we're just unbelievably horrible and that's why they kicked our a$$ all over their gym and ours"

Plus, you always talk up your conference mates at this time of the year unless you're a grade A db. Coaches will gush about other teams in their conference and usually any other team at this point in the year.. "ooh, they are so good, oh our conference is amazing".

Don't get freaked just because some kid says Xavier is a top 10 or 15 team. They are not. They are good, but not a top 10 or 15 team.

Correct ... although I asked "Who is better, Xavier or Temple" ... he quickly said Xavier ... but was more concerned about the why and how they are so good ... hopefully he provided enough clarity on that front.

As a Xavier fan, I'd be hard pressed to agree that Xavier is necessarily better than Temple. They are equals this year, at best. Temple, though, is really good, as is Xavier. The A10 was an extremely strong conference this year, and all 3 teams in the field could make some noise.
I'm looking forward to a good game Friday. I can see either a first round exit to your Gophers or another long run in the tourney. That's how this Xavier team is. They are capable of greatness, but they can also go on long cold spells.

Doogs...why not get a knowlegable news reporter to talk about X's ability. Some one that isn't going to sugar coat the negatives and exagerate the possitives. Kind of like if a Cincy radio station called you to discuss the Gophers. Maybe you did it already but if not Thurdsay A.M. would be a good time for it. ( and please enough Viking running back boring during March Madness)

sec105 -- Efforting on that very front ... hope to have her come Thurs. morning ... should also have at least 1 other NCAA tourney related guest.

sec105 -- Efforting on that very front ... hope to have her come Thurs. morning ... should also have at least 1 other NCAA tourney related guest.

Doogie, Doogie, Doogie - you are a sports media professional. You should really start writing like a professional.

See the following from "The Urban Dictionary":

"Efforting" is a made up word used only by newscasters to show off that they're doing the job they're paid to do. A poor attempt to make the word ‘effort’ into a verb. To make it sound like something simple is tough to do, so they’re making extra effort. Often used as a stall when a report isn’t ready.

This is from "Everything Language and Grammar":

Two of the most popular trends in language are: 1) turning nouns into verbs and 2) making the argument that common usage is all that is needed in order for a word to become accepted. The non-word efforting is a good example of both.

"Effort" is a noun, meaning (for this discussion) an exertion of strength or power either in a physical or mental sense. Examples include it was an effort to mow the lawn and solving that math problem was quite an effort. Effort is not a verb meaning to exert an effort, so statements such as I’m efforting to get the project done on time is an incorrect way to use the word effort.

And this is from "Common Errors in English Usage":

Among the new verbs created out of nouns, “efforting” is one of the most bizarre and unnecessary, and has been met with a chorus of objections. You are not “efforting” to get your report in on time; you are trying to do so. Instead of saying “we are efforting a new vendor,” say “we are trying to find a new vendor.”

Cut Doogie some slack. Sure an in-conference coach may be biased but it had the chance to be interesting, you never know what you are going to get until you have the interview. At least they are getting some interviews.

Doogie, Doogie, Doogie - you are a sports media professional. You should really start writing like a professional.

See the following from "The Urban Dictionary":

"Efforting" is a made up word used only by newscasters to show off that they're doing the job they're paid to do. A poor attempt to make the word ‘effort’ into a verb. To make it sound like something simple is tough to do, so they’re making extra effort. Often used as a stall when a report isn’t ready.

This is from "Everything Language and Grammar":

Two of the most popular trends in language are: 1) turning nouns into verbs and 2) making the argument that common usage is all that is needed in order for a word to become accepted. The non-word efforting is a good example of both.

"Effort" is a noun, meaning (for this discussion) an exertion of strength or power either in a physical or mental sense. Examples include it was an effort to mow the lawn and solving that math problem was quite an effort. Effort is not a verb meaning to exert an effort, so statements such as I’m efforting to get the project done on time is an incorrect way to use the word effort.

And this is from "Common Errors in English Usage":

Among the new verbs created out of nouns, “efforting” is one of the most bizarre and unnecessary, and has been met with a chorus of objections. You are not “efforting” to get your report in on time; you are trying to do so. Instead of saying “we are efforting a new vendor,” say “we are trying to find a new vendor.”

He's on a message board. Who cares.

Doogie, Doogie, Doogie - you are a sports media professional. You should really start writing like a professional.

See the following from "The Urban Dictionary":

"Efforting" is a made up word used only by newscasters to show off that they're doing the job they're paid to do. A poor attempt to make the word ‘effort’ into a verb. To make it sound like something simple is tough to do, so they’re making extra effort. Often used as a stall when a report isn’t ready.

This is from "Everything Language and Grammar":

Two of the most popular trends in language are: 1) turning nouns into verbs and 2) making the argument that common usage is all that is needed in order for a word to become accepted. The non-word efforting is a good example of both.

"Effort" is a noun, meaning (for this discussion) an exertion of strength or power either in a physical or mental sense. Examples include it was an effort to mow the lawn and solving that math problem was quite an effort. Effort is not a verb meaning to exert an effort, so statements such as I’m efforting to get the project done on time is an incorrect way to use the word effort.

And this is from "Common Errors in English Usage":

Among the new verbs created out of nouns, “efforting” is one of the most bizarre and unnecessary, and has been met with a chorus of objections. You are not “efforting” to get your report in on time; you are trying to do so. Instead of saying “we are efforting a new vendor,” say “we are trying to find a new vendor.”

your post made me feel smarter after reading it...I hope that was all cut and pasting.

Haha - you all think Doogie has the time to just sit around and write long paragraphs in perfect grammar? Please. This is an informal message board. Don't hold him to a higher standard.

"efforting" is obviously "impactful" for UpNorth.

"Irregardless" I'm not bothered by the "affect." Truly it "effects" me not. Or else I'd be "moot"

So, for me it's a "mute" issue

And, in honor of us who at one point hailed from Eire, it's a brouhaha about nothing. It's not a "Brewhaha." Except on the football board, I guess.

"efforting" is obviously "impactful" for UpNorth.

"Irregardless" I'm not bothered by the "affect." Truly it "effects" me not. Or else I'd be "moot"

So, for me it's a "mute" issue

I EXspecially like this post.

Besides Efforting got the point across satisfactorily.

OK, at the risk of being an asshole, I bring you this:

Y'all used to bitch about how KFAN never talked enough sports and it wasn't really a sports talk radio station and they are/were anti-Gophers.

Now y'all are bitching because KSTP talks sports, but only had the Fordham on and didn't talk enough Xavier. Are you guys ever happy?. The only time I listened to KSTP in the morning (I'm an XM guy) was the morning the Joe Nathan news broke. All I know is that Doogie and Co. pretty much rocked it that morning. Smart talk, breaking down the news of the morning, etc.

But I'm pretty much convinced they could have on James freaking Naismith and that wouldn't be good enough for you guys. To quote my mother, you guys would bitch if you were hung with a new rope.

OK, at the risk of being an asshole, I bring you this:

Y'all used to bitch about how KFAN never talked enough sports and it wasn't really a sports talk radio station and they are/were anti-Gophers.

Now y'all are bitching because KSTP talks sports, but only had the Fordham on and didn't talk enough Xavier. Are you guys ever happy?. The only time I listened to KSTP in the morning (I'm an XM guy) was the morning the Joe Nathan news broke. All I know is that Doogie and Co. pretty much rocked it that morning. Smart talk, breaking down the news of the morning, etc.

But I'm pretty much convinced they could have on James freaking Naismith and that wouldn't be good enough for you guys. To quote my mother, you guys would bitch if you were hung with a new rope.

I couldn't agree more. Even though I agree with much of the KFAN criticism, it's getting tiresome. Plus, KSTP has been great since the change. I've been listening to the morning show exclusively since the switch, and I wish they would keep it on. When ESPN takes over next month, I'll have to go back to hitting the button every 90 seconds on my drive to work.

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