AFA Scout Forum Poster says F-16 Flyover is Planned

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
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I know several of us have pondered whether there will be an Air Force flyover for the stadium opener.

A poster on the AFA Scout site (

posted: "There will be an F-16 fly by, as was coordinated by Coach Roberson before his retirement."

That should be awesome.

Go Gophers!

Fly overs are sweet. But for the flyover to be a F-16 thats a little disapointing. Having a squad of new F-35 or F-22 flyover would be awesome or a massive B-2 would be awesome too.

Fly overs are sweet. But for the flyover to be a F-16 thats a little disapointing. Having a squad of new F-35 or F-22 flyover would be awesome or a massive B-2 would be awesome too.

I feel the same. Its totally picky and any flyover will be great, but I've been a huge plane buff since I was a kid so I was hoping for something "cooler" than the F-16. Its an obvious choice since there are F-16's based out of Duluth (179th Fighter Wing), Madison (176th Fighter Wing), Souix Falls (175th Fighter Wing), and Des Moines (124th Fighter Wing). I'd hope they'd use members of the 179th for the flyover, especially since the Madison/Des Moine wings are known as the Badgers/Hawkeyes respectively. :rolleyes:

I think most of the B-2's are based at Whiteman AFB in Missouri and as much as I'd love to see one I can only imagine the kind of approvals are needed to get one of those up to TCF.

The F-35 is a non-option as it is still in testing. As of January only 6 F-35's had been built and all of them are test aircraft. 17 more are on the way, but only 4 of them will be production aircraft (the rest are pre-production and are for testing). These 4 won't be ready until 2010.

There are multiple F-22 squadrons based out of Holloman AFB (New Mexico), Langley AFB (Virginia), Elmendorf AFB (Alaska), Tyndall AFB (Florida), and Hickam AFB (Hawaii). Since none are close I can see why the F-22 might not be in the cards either.

Is anyone else worried that this flyover is going to put the Air Force Falcons in a way-too-comfortable state, being that they are used to flyovers and can perform them at anytime by themselves? They probably practice with flyovers going on in the background.

Is anyone else worried that this flyover is going to put the Air Force Falcons in a way-too-comfortable state, being that they are used to flyovers and can perform them at anytime by themselves? They probably practice with flyovers going on in the background.

Unless they are planning on directing bombing runs against our sidelines we'll probably be ok (yet another reason to get F-22's for the flyover...the F-16 has much better air to ground capabilities ;)).

Unless they are planning on directing bombing runs against our sidelines we'll probably be ok (yet another reason to get F-22's for the flyover...the F-16 has much better air to ground capabilities ;)).

Haha, good point

Is the Air Force kickoff team going to parachute down to the field for the kickoff?

F-16s are Ok with me

Fly overs are sweet. But for the flyover to be a F-16 thats a little disapointing.

I've been to several airshows and the F-16 is a good choice. Basically, they're the "Muscle Car" of jets. Seeing them pull up and firing off the after-burners is something you never forget. They can perform stunts that few other jets are capable of. I do conceed though that one of the newer jets in the fleet would be sweet.

This will have to do for now:

Perhaps I'm getting a little nostalgic, but another awesome sight would be having a B-52 fly over. The sheer size is something to behold.

Is the Air Force kickoff team going to parachute down to the field for the kickoff?

I know at one time they were considering getting the Army Golden Knights parachute team to land on the 50 yard-line with the game ball. Don't know if they worked it out or not.

Perhaps I'm getting a little nostalgic, but another awesome sight would be having a B-52 fly over. The sheer size is something to behold.

Hell no! Do you want them to carpet bomb the living s**t out of our sidelines? ;) Seriously though, it would be a really cool visual.

Anyone who believes an F16 is a "Muscle Car" fighter is deluding themselves. If it were so good, then why do we sell it to every bad 3rd world dictator who has 18 cents?

F16 is the Ford Escort of fighter planes.

The anounced a while ago that the flyover was going to not just be F-16's but the Air Force Thunderbirds. I think I heard Maturi say that at last year's state fair.

Anyone who believes an F16 is a "Muscle Car" fighter is deluding themselves. If it were so good, then why do we sell it to every bad 3rd world dictator who has 18 cents?

F16 is the Ford Escort of fighter planes.

For the same reason we'll sell any military equipment, $$$. Its a good, capable plane...its just not our most advanced plane. Heck, there are already plans to start selling the F-35 (albiet to allies like the Brits) pretty much as soon as the planes start rolling off the assembly lines.

A B-52 flyover? Oh, that would be an absolute joy. :rolleyes:

Back in the 80's, I was stationed at Castle AFB, where they did B-52 training. They don't call them the Big Ugly Fat F*** (insert your own F word of choice here) for nothing. They don't look like they should be able to fly. And it's not pretty to see them coming in for a landing when you're on the runway. (well, at least it wasn't pretty to see the training crews coming in for a landing)

I had an apartment off base about 8 miles away. It was right in the flight path of the B-52s. Even 8 miles away, forget about hearing anything on TV until the B-52 passes.

I was at an air show once as a kid where the B-52 did a low pass fly over and I will never forget the feeling as it went by, not to mention the sound. I couldn't hear anything until it was far away and everything was rumbling as it passed.

They built an airplane museum at Castle AFB in the 80's. The base is closed, but the museum is still there. I remember when they flew in an old B-36 bomber for its last flight before becoming an exhibit. I watched it land, the pilot (who was also the base commander) clipped the wing onto the runway on landing. They cut that part out when they showed the landing on the local news. The people and plane were fine, just a little scary to see.

They also had an empty pad at the museum that said "Stealth". Very stealthy indeed, we couldn't even see it. :) Maybe they should have a stealth flyover, don't have any planes, but announce that stealth aircraft just flew overhead. :D

They also had an empty pad at the museum that said "Stealth". Very stealthy indeed, we couldn't even see it. :) Maybe they should have a stealth flyover, don't have any planes, but announce that stealth aircraft just flew overhead. :D

lol, don't give the Ath Dept any ideas!

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this.

F16's are good, capable planes. You are correct there.
Escorts are a good, capable cars.
They made a ton of F16's and sold them around the world.
They made a ton of Escorts and sold them around the world.

Unfortunately, neither of them are anything really special. Neither one will be on the history channel 50 years from now calling it the best plane/car of its generation.

Saw several dozen flyovers watching my son play at Air Force, here are my thoughts. Any flyover is cool, never get tired of them. Air Force kids get used to them as they are a daily occurance, but I do remember a JV game at the Academy when 4 F-16's flew over unannounced and the game literally stopped mid play. As another poster stated the home for some of the newer aircraft is too far away from Minneapolis to make it happen. If 4 F-16's came over the new stadium and hit the afterburners and went straight up from TCF it would shake. I have felt it happen over Falcon stadium before games.

Best flyover I ever saw was the 1990 RoseBowl (USC vs Mich) with just 3 F-4 Phantoms....they hit the afterburners and the place almost blew up. still in a daze halfway through the 1st Q.

in the past couple years i've seen big helicopters (cool), stealth planes (scary quiet), F22s (also quiet), a B1 Bomber, and 3 F18s (2005 Orange Bowl....DAMN loud).

I have no doubt the F16s would be awesome, they are loud.

I spoke with a pilot from the local air guard who has indicated there will be more than just F16s...they are working out details right now. the problem is that many of the guard begin leave that saturday 9/ that have to work out the logistics of that.

Hopefully we'll get a big ass C130 as well, or some other fun stuff.

Fly Over

just wait, when the State Senate and Regents all get word of this, they'll pass some legislation about noise control and bann the whole thing, just like the selling of beer and tailgating on Frat Row. I'm willing to bet on this for any takers. :)

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