Advice Request: Asking out Amelia Rayno

Governor Sibley

Section 109 Row 21
Dec 15, 2008
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Let's collect our collective wisdom for all those pathetically lonely Gopherholers out there dreaming about asking out Amelia Rayno.**

How can it be done? What would work and not work? Do you have some hard-won advice? What Night Ranger song would she most likely want to hear? Without naming names, how should NateDawg approach this?

**Assuming she's unmarried!

***Let's keep this clean and goofy, mmmkay?

Easy! Send her my photograph and a $25,000 performance bond. you'll be in like Flynn.

Great question! Would giving her a basketball for Christmas help? Serenade her with Sweet Georgia Brown?

Let's collect our collective wisdom for all those pathetically lonely Gopherholers out there dreaming about asking out Amelia Rayno.**

How can it be done? What would work and not work? Do you have some hard-won advice? What Night Ranger song would she most likely want to hear? Without naming names, how should NateDawg approach this?

**Assuming she's unmarried!

***Let's keep this clean and goofy, mmmkay?

Just tell her your adult braces are off. That has to help, no?

Night Ranger? You should consider starting out with some Nelson or maybe a little Europe.

If you get that far, nothing seals the deal like Barry White.

You also can't go wrong with a picture of you standing next to your truck, which is of course jacked up to the point where you need a step ladder to get in. Nothing turns on the ladies like a good monster truck.

>>"I mean don't just walk in. You move across the room. And you don't talk to her. You use your face. You use your body. You use everything. That's what I do. I mean I just send out this vibe and I have personally found that women do respond. I mean, something happens."<< - Mike Damone (Fast Times)

Sadly, I can confirm with 99% accuracy that she has a serious boyfriend - my roommate actually tried to ask her out and found out :p

Sadly, I can confirm with 99% accuracy that she has a serious boyfriend.

Sadly, you did not read the instructions. Boyfriend? Who cares? NateDawg is like a pillaging viking warrior going berserker. Have you ever met him?

Night Ranger? You should consider starting out with some Nelson or maybe a little Europe.

If you get that far, nothing seals the deal like Barry White.

You also can't go wrong with a picture of you standing next to your truck, which is of course jacked up to the point where you need a step ladder to get in. Nothing turns on the ladies like a good monster truck.

>>"I mean don't just walk in. You move across the room. And you don't talk to her. You use your face. You use your body. You use everything. That's what I do. I mean I just send out this vibe and I have personally found that women do respond. I mean, something happens."<< - Mike Damone (Fast Times)

What a self-contradictory post. Mike Damone would recommend side one of Led Zepplin IV.

Show her a picture of me. Anyone else will look good compared to that. Good luck!

I just got an email from NateDawg which I thought I should share, even if it's a bit stalker-ish.

Okay, I've checked out her public Facebook profile.

The aforementioned boyfriend looks like a hipster d--che.

I can see him wearing scarves while an undergraduate at Vassar.

Dude, this is going to be a lay-up.

My Entry:



maybe write a note asking if she is interested and pass it to Sid who can pass it to her-- that should go off without a hitch.

I will defer to Dr Don. He seems to do well with the 'ladies' on Gopher Hole.

She posted a twitter picture the other day in Hawaii. Sunrise at the volcano. Might be a bit tough to compete with that.


Isn't it amazing that every one of these women who you drool over seem to come out of the womb with a boyfriend.

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