Adam Rittenberg: Worst day in Big Ten football history? Yep

Good news, the Gophers were not a part of it.

At least Gee admitted his stupidity, playoff please.

Hard--perhaps impossible--to argue with Rittenberg. I thought the Michigan and MSU games were nigh on ridiculous. If Saban had a similar genetic code to Bielema's, he could have put up 70 on Michigan State (of course, if he had a similar genetic code to Bielema's, his knuckles would be all bloody from dragging on the ground). Alabama has to be the best three-loss team I've seen in years and years.

I am more in favor of a playoff.

Adam, you must be wrong. Many experts on this board tell us that the Big 10 getting it's A** handed to it is somehow good for us.

Coach, " I want you to come play at the U of Minn. We are in the Big Ten and you can check on the internet and confirm how this bad conference and I can guarantee before you graduate, son, you will get the chance to play in a New Years Day bowl and get humiliated by a team from the SEC."

"That sounds great coach. When can I sign?"

Adam, you must be wrong. Many experts on this board tell us that the Big 10 getting it's A** handed to it is somehow good for us.

Coach, " I want you to come play at the U of Minn. We are in the Big Ten and you can check on the internet and confirm how this bad conference and I can guarantee before you graduate, son, you will get the chance to play in a New Years Day bowl and get humiliated by a team from the SEC."

"That sounds great coach. When can I sign?"

Dumb. Kids don't go to a BCS school based on what conference it's in. They go to the school to play for that school. Most kids don't know what schools are in what conferences, especially these days.

I'll bet the average incoming freshman can't name three other conference schools unless they recruited him. In that case, he might not even know that they are in the same conference.

Adam, you must be wrong. Many experts on this board tell us that the Big 10 getting it's A** handed to it is somehow good for us.

Coach, " I want you to come play at the U of Minn. We are in the Big Ten and you can check on the internet and confirm how this bad conference and I can guarantee before you graduate, son, you will get the chance to play in a New Years Day bowl and get humiliated by a team from the SEC."

"That sounds great coach. When can I sign?"

I think most people want the big 10 to do well but that doesn't extend to Wisconsin. So if Michigan and Penn st, who both suck, lose that isn't going to make me root for Wisconsin. I think you are mischaracterizing the argument. Either way when Ohio st wins, the big 10 will be 3 and 5 and most people won't care.

This is another example of why a Big Ten championship game will help. The Big Ten does poorly in these big bowl games, as they haven't played a game in over a month while others have had a good warm up with a conference championship game.

TCU, MSU, Alabama, Florida, and T-Tech. None of these teams played in a conf. championship game.

This is another example of why a Big Ten championship game will help. The Big Ten does poorly in these big bowl games, as they haven't played a game in over a month while others have had a good warm up with a conference championship game.

I do not think this has anything to do with it. The B1G just is not as good at the top as other conferences. We can sit behind our computers and make excuses, but the final scores yesterday clearly show the B1G has work to do to beat the best teams in other conferences.

Adam, you must be wrong. Many experts on this board tell us that the Big 10 getting it's A** handed to it is somehow good for us.

Coach, " I want you to come play at the U of Minn. We are in the Big Ten and you can check on the internet and confirm how this bad conference and I can guarantee before you graduate, son, you will get the chance to play in a New Years Day bowl and get humiliated by a team from the SEC."

"That sounds great coach. When can I sign?"

Foolish thinking.

No matter how many bowl games the Big Ten loses, the conference will always be strong. This is a league with Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, and Nebraska. 1/3 of the league are helmet schools with some of the best traditions in the country.

For the tiny, minute difference a Wisconsin win means in improving the U of M, the gains it means for Wisky are substancial. And we're directly competing with them. In business, the last thing you would ever want is for your competitors to be strong.

People who still root for other Big Ten schools just are not clearly thinking about the situation and are too influenced by TV talking heads who rank the conferences.

Yes, the Big 10 struggles to win, but the BCS wants us because of the huge fan base, bowl attendance and TV viewers. It's the money. Same for the recruits, they want to showcase their talent over time in the large stadiums and on national TV.

Dumb. Kids don't go to a BCS school based on what conference it's in. They go to the school to play for that school. Most kids don't know what schools are in what conferences, especially these days.

I'll bet the average incoming freshman can't name three other conference schools unless they recruited him. In that case, he might not even know that they are in the same conference.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that you are wrong on this. Kids absolutely know about the conference a school is in, and it does play a role. You might not like it, but it is a reality.

Very disappointed in the Big Ten yesterday - I even found myself kind of wanting Wisconsin to win, just to salvage something.

That said, I would like to see one of the southern teams come up and play one of the Big Ten team's in December at the B10 teams home field.

Adam, you must be wrong. Many experts on this board tell us that the Big 10 getting it's A** handed to it is somehow good for us.

Coach, " I want you to come play at the U of Minn. We are in the Big Ten and you can check on the internet and confirm how this bad conference and I can guarantee before you graduate, son, you will get the chance to play in a New Years Day bowl and get humiliated by a team from the SEC."

"That sounds great coach. When can I sign?"

What? Just because there's a few of us that wanted Becky to loss you say that we wanted all the Big Ten to lose? Seriously?!

Comprehension FAIL

Very disappointed in the Big Ten yesterday - I even found myself kind of wanting Wisconsin to win, just to salvage something.

Me too. I woke up thinking it would be a great day if Wisconsin loses, but by the time their game came around I found myself thinking it wouldn't be so bad if they won, just to keep the Big 10 from being shut out on New Year's Day. Although, it did feel real good to see Becky bungle the 2 point conversion.

And there really is a Becky Badger:

Foolish thinking.

No matter how many bowl games the Big Ten loses, the conference will always be strong. This is a league with Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, and Nebraska. 1/3 of the league are helmet schools with some of the best traditions in the country.

For the tiny, minute difference a Wisconsin win means in improving the U of M, the gains it means for Wisky are substancial. And we're directly competing with them. In business, the last thing you would ever want is for your competitors to be strong.

People who still root for other Big Ten schools just are not clearly thinking about the situation and are too influenced by TV talking heads who rank the conferences.[/QUOTE]

I feel just terrible now.:cry:

I champion the U becoming a private institution, but on the other side of the spectrum you can almost envision a B10 amalgamation in all aspects.
Now, if for some odd reason everything goes in the sh9tcan then- having a wisconsinite in your foxhole is a ok with me cuz i know he'll /she'll go over the top when the call is given.

I champion the U becoming a private institution

You've brought this up before. Why on earth would you want to make what are now public institutions less accessible and affordable for the average middle-class and lower-class student?

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