Adam Rittenberg video: Video: Summer School -- Minnesota

He is right! Our pass rush has been completely non-existent. Coach Cross was not a DL coach at the BCS level, and the problem predates Coach Cross by about five years. Coach Cross started out as the best recruiter on Brewster's staff, but even that faded the last two years.

I can't remember what I read from Rittenberg a couple of years ago that p-ed me off so much, but that is water under the bridge now. I have read most of what he has written for the past year or so, and he is the most knowledgeable and readable national writer in my book. There is no BS-acerbic-fake ranting-get me some clicks writing and vlogging with him. Just delivering well informed opinions about all the teams in the B10. This two-minute clip is not earth shattering, but he boils down a couple of points that someone who doesn't follow the Gophers might find informative. He is a must read for followers of the B10.

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