Adam Rittenberg blog: Jerry Kill stresses accountability with Gophers

The article clearly was much better than many of the elementary school comments following it. Hopefully those people aren't our leaders of today. Might explain the problems a bit of the world though.

There is no explaining Pantherhawk. It's like black holes. They suck and no one is sure why...

It's one of the few places that haven't banned PantherHawk. When you're not even welcome on the boards of the team that you (allegedly) support... I have noticed a real change - not in PantherHawk, of course, but you go on the newspaper comment sections, and most of the comments on Gopher stories are positive. And the positive comments are getting uprated, and the negative comments are getting downrated.

I expect PantherHawk will be all over the New Mexico State boards (he hasn't been banned there yet). If all goes according to pattern, they will at first welcome him, thinking he has some respect for them. They will quickly enough see through him, and ban him before long.

The future looks bright for Minnesota, and most of the country thinks we made a pretty good choice. Except for one laughably pathetic wretch.

The media has really latched on to this shirt thing, especially any coverage we get outside of the metro. Seems like every article mentions these loafer shirts. Personally I don't think its that big of a deal. I'd bet that a lot of programs have similar tactics for punishment that don't involve putting players in a shed. I wish they'd find more things to talk about.

This is almost instantly my favorite quote of all time;

"We've got a plan, we’ve got a vision and we've done it before."

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