Adam Rittenberg blog: B1G title game sites down to Chicago, Indy

As much as I'd love Chicago - being that I live here and all - I gotta think they'll pick Indy for football because of the dome factor. I wouldn't mind seeing Chicago get basketball, but I do think Indy puts on a better show for the tournament.

Just a thought

What if the Vikings get a new stadium. Perhaps the championship game could be revolving all around B1G 10 schools/states. For example, Indy, Chicago, Minnesota, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc ...

As biased as I am to Chicago....I think the dome factor trumps all.

Chicago is a logical location (for FB and Hoops) as it is the HQ to the league, the most central location, easy to get to with two airports and a hub for rail, and a ton of alumni from all schools live here.

That said, I think the B1G wants the Game (and tourney) to be THE SHOW in town when it happens. It is easier to 'take over' Indy than Chicago.

It would make sense to build "the B1G" brand and have it move locations Detroit, Minny etc, but I don't see that happening.

Indy has such a strong background in college football, when you think of what will inspire you and get you excited about the Big Ten Football championship Indy is the first thing that comes to mind.

I guess it is indoors.

I just hope that if they put the football game in Indy permanently that they move the basketball tournament around. I don't think that Indy should be the only city in the Big 10 that benefits economically from these events, especially considering Indy seems to get the Final Four or a NCAA Regional most years. The basketball tournament could be rotated around multiple cities in the Big 10 fairly effectively and successfully I believe. Once a year is more than enough for a fan to make a trip to Indy.

I just hope that if they put the football game in Indy permanently that they move the basketball tournament around. I don't think that Indy should be the only city in the Big 10 that benefits economically from these events, especially considering Indy seems to get the Final Four or a NCAA Regional most years. The basketball tournament could be rotated around multiple cities in the Big 10 fairly effectively and successfully I believe. Once a year is more than enough for a fan to make a trip to Indy.

The NCAA is currently headquartered in Indianapolis and based on that Indy is guaranteed a regional every so often and the championship every few years.

The B1G likes Chicago and Indy because they are more central (least total distance for all universities). I'd be surprised to see Chicago get it regularly without a dome, which means it will probably be in Indy more often than not...

What if the Vikings get a new stadium. Perhaps the championship game could be revolving all around B1G 10 schools/states. For example, Indy, Chicago, Minnesota, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc ...

Never, never happening. Chicago and Indy are center of the footprint. Continuity is also the key to branding and marketing the game.

The NCAA is currently headquartered in Indianapolis and based on that Indy is guaranteed a regional every so often and the championship every few years.

The B1G likes Chicago and Indy because they are more central (least total distance for all universities). I'd be surprised to see Chicago get it regularly without a dome, which means it will probably be in Indy more often than not...

Sadly that is what is likely to happen. I just would like to see other big ten cities benefit economically, not just Indy. That and the fact that it gets boring visiting the same city every year and then to have to do it twice would likely make me choose one or the other.

As much as I detest that space ship Chicago calls a football stadium, I really wish they'd play it outdoors. Plus, playing in a city where the most popular college football team is probably Notre Dame seems wrong (it's possible that's true in Chicago too, but I'll give Ill. the benefit of the doubt.)

I'm not as concerned with the location, if/when the gophers ever make it to the Big Ten championship game I'll probably be able to find my way to whatever city it's in.

Thought it was interesting that it'll be up to the schools playing in the championship game to decide to put up their rivalry trophies, for example if we meet Penn St in the championship we could play for the Gov.'s Bell. Hell we could even win the Axe twice in one year!

Thought it was interesting that it'll be up to the schools playing in the championship game to decide to put up their rivalry trophies, for example if we meet Penn St in the championship we could play for the Gov.'s Bell. Hell we could even win the Axe twice in one year!

Correction: We'd win the axe once a year, just would successfully defend it the second time around. =)

Chicago is a Major Market. Indy has the Hay Market. The game should be played come rain or shine, sleet or snow. Soldiers Field should be the the site.

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