Never understood the mocking of athletes' majors. If a kid is at the U to play in the band are you mocking their English major? Nope. Just athletes we do that too. People don't stand outside CLA graduation and mock kids who have degrees they don't think are "real". Still just done to athletes. Since we can't bring them down a peg for their athletic ability, have to find some way to make ourselves still feel superior. It's really an odd thing, a kid can't just be good at sports. Nope. He has to be all big-10, have a 4.0 GPA, be a 5 star chef, be a licensed CPR provider, and save kittens from burning buildings.
Sure they have to go to class and pass those classes in the current NCAA set up and some focus on that more than others, but mocking the classes they are going to is pretty sad and petty. If a kid wants to get a 4.0 and can, great! That's awesome. But if you are going to mock athletes who don't then you better be standing outside the dorms doing the same to every single kid who drops out of school because they can't handle it.
Always get a kick out of making fun of athletes for being a marketing major too like it's not part of Carlson and every major company has people in marketing.