A tip of the hat to Bleedgopher.......

Nov 20, 2008
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I think we all have a tendency to get caught up in our own rhetoric. The only one that really doesn't is Bleed. He is a constant funnel of information good or bad to the GopherHole. I'm probably one of the most radical on this site and I'm sure Bleed raises his eyebrows many a time on some of my diatribes. That being said. nobody brings more passion and common sense than Bleed. I have the utmost respect for the man who is a true " Golden Gopher" fan to the Enth degree.

Thanks Ruppert, not sure I'm worthy of the post, but I appreciate the thoughts.

It sure is a lot more fun tracking down positive articles about the Gophers than negative ones.

While the process hasn't gone as smooth as many of us had hoped so far this season, we do have a solid chance to go 6-2, and if we win, an equally good chance to go 7-2. That record (if we can get there) is nothing to sneeze at. We shouldn't apologize for the soft part of the schedule, let's just hope we take advantage of it.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks Ruppert, not sure I'm worthy of the post, but I appreciate the thoughts.

It sure is a lot more fun tracking down positive articles about the Gophers than negative ones.

While the process hasn't gone as smooth as many of us had hoped so far this season, we do have a solid chance to go 6-2, and if we win, an equally good chance to go 7-2. That record (if we can get there) is nothing to sneeze at. We shouldn't apologize for the soft part of the schedule, let's just hope we take advantage of it.

Go Gophers!!
We would all be better fans if we attached ourselves to your coattails, but I guess that's what makes the "hole" what it is. A euphoria of peaks and valleys

I think we all have a tendency to get caught up in our own rhetoric. The only one that really doesn't is Bleed. He is a constant funnel of information good or bad to the GopherHole. I'm probably one of the most radical on this site and I'm sure Bleed raises his eyebrows many a time on some of my diatribes. That being said. nobody brings more passion and common sense than Bleed. I have the utmost respect for the man who is a true " Golden Gopher" fan to the Enth degree.

+1. Nice "Tip of the Cap".

Other notables that bring good, solid insight are GopherinIowa and Puerto Rican Gopher. Hell, throw Spoofin in there too for calling out the ludicrous. Keep it up guys. :clap:

He's so consistent and good, I feel like a wannabe anytime I post an article. Keep up the good work Bleed.

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