A real bummer...

Not meaning to disrespect, especially since I grew up with the purple people eaters, but this is the tip of the iceberg with him. He has been granted a great deal of leniency in the past so I am not that bothered by it! He just crossed a line this time that should not have been crossed.

I know Carl Eller AND have followed his career. The judge gave him everything he deserved with the 60 day sentence. Maybe it will finally be the wake up call he has needed for so long.

That picture of him looks pretty rough.......even at 67 I bet most of the inmates wouldn't want to mess with him. I think I would try to stay on his good side!

Not sure why this would be classified as a "bummer". People should've been hoping for a prison term in hopes he can resurrect his life.

Don't drive drunk, problem solved. He did the crime and now he is serving the time.


That picture of him looks pretty rough.......even at 67 I bet most of the inmates wouldn't want to mess with him. I think I would try to stay on his good side!

Yeah, he will definetly be ok. He is going to the workhouse which is for people serving a year or less. If you mind your own business you will be ok. I was in there 7 yrs. ago when I was 18 and immature, a skinny lil $hit and was ok. Seen some crazy stuff Ill never forget though.

There is not a thing you young people talk of that I haven't experienced. High School, College, Working Hard, made Stupid Mistakes, had things, lost all, divorced and lost everything else, went thru bankruptcy, rebuilt myself, DUI,gambling addiction, now retired and doing great. Been there, done that, my friends. And I am a better person now because of it. Carl will be ok, trust me. Hard lesson for him, but he will be ok.

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