A ranking of the B1G programs

Scroll down to the bottom and take a look-see at who made a comment about the Gophers. At this point, I'm starting to think there's more than one PantherHawk. There's a Santa Claus in every mall and a PantherHawk on every message board.

If I look at the B1G Legends, here is where I'd rank the teams at the starting gate:


Minnesota has a tough hill to climb. Is coach Kill the right coach to get us out of the cellar?

One thing is certain, there is urgency for the Gophers to score an upset or two this coming season and to put away winnable non-conference games for starters.

There is something to be said about attracting thoroughbred 4*/5*athletes if you want to win consistently. This in itself is not a guarantee of success. This is where good stable coaching, excellent strength & conditioning program, and player development come into play.

I believe that Coach Kill brings a lot that stability. I highly doubt that picking unranked and 2*/3* players and coaching them up alone will bring the program up to the elite level.

He'd have to start winning to attract marquee players. We have to be able to attract the Michael Floyds and the Seantrel Hendersons from within, and then in order to recruit the speedy RBs & WRs from elsewhere to win.

I wish the current coaching staff good luck in completely turning the Gopher Football around. Coach will turn this ship around.

Go Gophers!

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