A possible solution to student athletes running into trouble

Block M

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
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Sequester them in an athletic village away from the general student population. Not in a punitive way, but to allow them to focus on athletics and academics without all the potential distractions and temptations associated with dorm life, apartment living, and college life in general. Then, possibly set a village-wide curfew.

Scholarshipped student athletes are not "normal" students. Expectations placed on them are insane. In some instances their cultural backgrounds might make them more susceptible to making bad decisions. Make it easier for them by simplifying their housing arrangements and setting firm, codified rules and expectations.

Never happen, I know.

...or they could just join the military.

NCAA rules prohibit athletes only dorms. The military may be a better option.

We could house them in Guantanamo as soon as Obama releases all the terrorists.

This may be the worst topic yet.


Will they get time off their sentence for good behavior ?. This would be a great recruiting advantage.

We should tell them to behave.

Thats all we gotta do, is have like a meeting where we say... like... hey guys... don't rape chicks, don't punch people, don't steal stuff, don't cheat, don't lie. Be good citizens.

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