A huge improvement


Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
I have been watching Gophers for about 30 years. I remember being at a game at the old stadium in 4th grade, against Michigan, and Harlen Huckleby, think that is how you spell it, and I loved the Gophers from that day on. I don't remember who won the game but that is when my dad taught me about loving your hometown team.

What has me fairly excited is truly how much better this team is than last year, and the previous. The main factor for me is how well they've lost. I was DVRing games and made up a rule. I'd fast forward through the game until we were down by 21, then I'd delete the game and go have a beer. Each game this year, even the worst defeats and the UNLV game, we played well. I was reading another thread regarding who is a better coach right now and I do believe Kill is just right. He's not the best, he's well above average with a credibility I like and it seems the players like. He is the right fit and since the early Mason years, I'm really enjoying some Gopher football. I look forward to Saturday more than Sunday lately.

I'm really enjoying some Gopher football. I look forward to Saturday more than Sunday lately.

Same here. I plan my day around the Gophers on Saturday and take care of business on Sundays now. Part of it is I feel like the coaching staff and program are credible and doing it the right way, but they are also playing really well. The experience of an outdoor Gopher game at TCF vs an indoor Vikings game at the Metrodome is very lopsided in favor of the Gophers now.

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