60 Minutes Sports


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Nov 20, 2008
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The show is on Showtime and I would recommend the 11-06-13 show. It has a piece on Alabama's strength coach and facilities as well as an interview with Jay Bilas on paying college athletes.

AJ McCarron was 175 lbs when he entered Alabama, he benched 200 lbs. And squatted 225lbs. He now benches over 300 and squats over 600.

The show is on Showtime and I would recommend the 11-06-13 show. It has a piece on Alabama's strength coach and facilities as well as an interview with Jay Bilas on paying college athletes.

AJ McCarron was 175 lbs when he entered Alabama, he benched 200 lbs. And squatted 225lbs. He now benches over 300 and squats over 600.

No steroids or other PEDs involved. None I tell ya!

The show is on Showtime and I would recommend the 11-06-13 show. It has a piece on Alabama's strength coach and facilities as well as an interview with Jay Bilas on paying college athletes.

AJ McCarron was 175 lbs when he entered Alabama, he benched 200 lbs. And squatted 225lbs. He now benches over 300 and squats over 600.

That's easy to believe.

Forgive my immodesty, but I weighed 205 lbs. my senior year of college (DIII) and I benched 340 lb and squatted just under 600 lbs. It can be done.

I agree with studwell. 200 seems low for someone who weighed 175. Serious time in the weight room for 4-5 years, good technique, just plain eating everything in sight, legal supplements can account for this kind of gain. Squatting 225 for him seems extremely light since I did that much in high school weighing about 115 soaking wet. Left himself lots of room to improve and make gains.

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