6 weeks left of the season, what should we talk about?


Active member
Dec 4, 2009
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Until Brew is officially fired and we start hearing 'inside information' about how things are going in the search, lets come up with a list of topics to cover so we don't have to read the same posts over and over and over again. I'll start...

1) What type of offense do you like watching most and why?

This is a great idea. Do you want to actually discuss them in here or just brainstorm the topics themselves?

As for offenses I really love watching zone blocking, run first offenses when they're well run. It's a joy to behold especially once the play action game starts kicking in. There's something special about being in a third and long situation and feeling like you can hand the ball off and have it be a legitimate play for the first down rather than a safe move before the punt. Plus it's demoralizing to the other team to just run, run, run over them again and again. They kind of know what's coming but when the offense is well executed they can't stop it.

Absolutely love it.

Triple option all the way! I think we need to focus on defense first, second and third.

I was hoping to do the brainstorming here, and then go down the list to whatever the next topic is when the board becomes unreadable.

But for offenses I love zone running teams that just keep pounding. I especially love when you here opposing fans say "you know they are going to run, just stop it!!"

1) What type of offense do you like watching most and why?

Went above this and answered the question, "what type of teams do you like to watch"?

Scoring Offenses
This will rub purists the wrong way, but there is nothing like tuning into a late night match-up on ESPN2 and watching a 45-42 shootout between two teams you don't even know.

Love trick plays. Love deep passes on 2nd and 1. Love the occasional flee-flicker. The "impose our will" on the D philosophy is great if you have the right personnel in place, but there is nothing that keeps the fans more engaged than great plays. Don't get me wrong, if we win the Big Ten with a boring running game and a steller D, I won't complain.

Great special teams
Michigan state fake field goals. 75-yard punts. Kickoff returns for TDs. I truly believe this is where you win/lose games at every level.

Ball-hawking Defense
If you saw the Arizona/New Orleans game yesterday, there is no explanation needed.

also love the option

Topic: position changes (ex. R Grant to fullback when Hoese is gone...)

Work on next year now

Give players an opportunity to show what they can do. When will the season be lost in Coach Brewster's mind? Coach, start Gray, at least show us he is not the answer. The longer this goes on, the worse it will reflect on Coach Brewster. If Gray fails, it one thing. But if he sparks the team and offense its another. And if Brewster is gone and Gray starts a winning streak, the critics will have a field day. Coach, start Gray. It cann't be any worse.

Last Laugh

Last Laugh: Bill and Bob, two children, were sitting outside a clinic. Bill happened to be crying very loudly.
"Why are you crying?" Bob asked.
"I came here for a blood test," sobbed Bill.
"So? Are you afraid?"
"No. For the blood test, they cut my finger.
As Bob heard this, he immediately began bawling profusely.
Astonished, Bill stopped his tears and asked Bob, "Why are you crying now?" To which Bob replied, "I came for a urine test!"

  • Best Gopher upsets (winning end)
  • Best trick plays you've ever seen (if you were a coach, these would be in your playbook)
  • Best turnaround by a college football program
  • Where will the program be in 10 years
  • Non-conference match-ups you would like to see
  • Why Iowa still sucks

I wish people would have the courtesy to stop posting fire brewster threads. We've beaten that topic into the ground for the past month. It's obviously a foregone conclusion now unless Brewster somehow wins the next 5-6 games. We should all just take a step back and relax. There's nothing to do but wait and hope for the best. There are 6 games left, we might as well try to enjoy some aspect of them.

I wish people would have the courtesy to stop posting fire brewster threads. We've beaten that topic into the ground for the past month. It's obviously a foregone conclusion now unless Brewster somehow wins the next 5-6 games. We should all just take a step back and relax. There's nothing to do but wait and hope for the best. There are 6 games left, we might as well try to enjoy some aspect of them.


I wish people would have the courtesy to stop posting fire brewster threads. We've beaten that topic into the ground for the past month. It's obviously a foregone conclusion now unless Brewster somehow wins the next 5-6 games. We should all just take a step back and relax. There's nothing to do but wait and hope for the best. There are 6 games left, we might as well try to enjoy some aspect of them.

Let's not get carried away now!!! Do you REALLY want to close the door on one of the resident geniuses on the board (especially the NEW posters!) of coming up with YET ANOTHER great idea that NOBODY has considered of who the new coach should be?

I can't get enough of that. It's good stuff to hear how the coach at Tallahassee JuCo would be a great fit in Minneapolis.

The Fire Brewster threads are a lot like constant "are we there yet" while driving. Brewster will be fired in roughly 47 days. It's the posts where people scream at those who haven't been calling for Brewster's head from day one that are annoying.

1) What type of offense do you like watching most and why?

Ones that don't score. I would rather see a game end 3-0 than 45-42. I love watching
good old hard hitting defenses.

(However I do like Ryan Mallett and the Arkansas Wide Receivers)

I love Panda bears. They lull you in with their cuteness then maul the hell outta you.





Ones that don't score. I would rather see a game end 3-0 than 45-42. I love watching
good old hard hitting defenses.

(However I do like Ryan Mallett and the Arkansas Wide Receivers)

I agree. Ones that score more than the opponent with balance.

I'd like to take a stab at a couple of these. BTW, thank you everyone for this thread. It's saved my sanity.

  • Best Gopher upsets (winning end): '98 @ PSU! It was like a dream.
  • Non-conference match-ups you would like to see: Iowa State, Colorado, Texas (d'oh!)

By the way, my favorite offense to watch is Hawaii. I'm biased b/c I went to school there, but I saw some da*n good teams come in there and get hammered by UH, oftentimes giving up 500+ yards of offense. Watching them throw it around at will (and occasionally mix in a zone or counter to a little scat back) is just really entertaining to me.

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