6 month SI investigation cover story: College Football and Crime

Wow- Really surprised to see Boise State so high. I do like the Kill/Patterson connection here again. Maybe the state of Texas does a better job hiding things ;)

Well thats one way to explain why Wisconsin and Iowa have been successful. #2 and #7 in crime!

Now KFAN can talk about about Iowa and Wisconsin all they want. Why, they'll probably be talking about this report all day huh? :clap::clap:

The report only checked the teams that finished in the top 25. It did not check all of division 1 football. It also did not list the players and the "crimes" they were convicted of, as far as I could see.

This report is pretty damning. It reflects how really corrupt and seedy college football truly is. Wasn't surprised to see Iowa so far up the ladder, but I was a little surprised Bucky and Penn State had so many on the list. Boise State too.

It is what it is. College football is about winning games and if they have to admit some criminals to get it done, than that's what schools will do. It sucks, but again, it is what it is.

The report only checked the teams that finished in the top 25. It did not check all of division 1 football. It also did not list the players and the "crimes" they were convicted of, as far as I could see.
Wow that must make you feel better!

Not surprised by BB's recruiting of a kid being charged of burglary as a senior in high school. Even if the kid has stayed out of trouble so far that is a very sketchy move on his part. Especially with some of Wisconsin's issues in the past, ie Jack Ikegwuonu.

The report only checked the teams that finished in the top 25. It did not check all of division 1 football. It also did not list the players and the "crimes" they were convicted of, as far as I could see.

You can't even get your own spin correct. The report didn't check teams that finished in the top 25, it checked SI's preseason top 25.

funny the board that was all about kevin whaley at one time rips wisconsin for recruiting a burglar. minnesota is just as bad as wisconsin at this.

funny the board that was all about kevin whaley at one time rips wisconsin for recruiting a burglar. minnesota is just as bad as wisconsin at this.

Not the same. Kevin Whaley didn't have a record when he signed with Minnesota in 2008 and then he was shot in the leg 7 weeks afterwards. IIRC, he was not charged in the incident.

The guy that headed that investigation up was on Burrito today on KFAN. It was interesting, as I only listen to Burrito while I'm on my way back from dropping my wife off at work and on my way to work myself. But it was a really good interview.

What the guy said about Patterson was their system involved just digging a bit deeper if they find a recruit with some sort of background/history. Maybe they take a kid that's not as good as the first, but at least they know what they are getting character-wise. Pretty interesting.

I also found it funny Iowa was so high. Gaard was pretty mum when Danny B. brought that up.

...The report didn't check teams that finished in the top 25, it checked SI's preseason top 25.

Sometimes, it pays NOT to be quite so successful...as the glare of the spotlight can become rather intense.

The Gopher's Top 3 finish in the Fulmer Cup standings has been relatively hush-hush...

On a side note, Jerry Kills' approach to recruiting and coaching should take the Gophers off the Fulmer Cup Leader Board;)

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