57% from the floor, 43% from 3...


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
...pretty good numbers for the worst-shooting team in the history of organized basketball.

...pretty good numbers for the worst-shooting team in the history of organized basketball.

They made some shots and got some good contributions from the bench. Hats off.

But, this South Dakota State team that had played Saturday night and is a bad defensive team absolutely begged Minnesota players to shoot from the outside. If the Gophers shoot the same percentages against a good defensive team in Fairfield on Thursday night, maybe then it deserves its own thread... but in this one, outside of their two seniors, Minnesota shot under-50% against an awful defense. I wouldn't call for a celebration parade quite yet.

Nonetheless, nice nights from several guys off the bench.

...pretty good numbers for the worst-shooting team in the history of organized basketball.

The offense is showing better movement this year and they are getting open shots. Last night they hit them. Good thing because they did not go to the boards or play defense with the passion they showed against Bucknell. Nice win with a variety of guys contributing.

It was good to see the team shoot with more confidence last night. I looked at the stat board at one point in the second half and the Gophers were shooting 60+% from the three point line and 38% from the free throw line. I see they finished the game shooting 52% from the line. Let's hope the overall shooting percentages from the floor stay strong and the free throw shooting improves dramatically.

I like that they shot better this game. I think that will become the norm for this team. They have guys that can shoot. I think nerves just need to calm down a bit and they will be fine. Now we just need to work on not letting teams shoot all over us.

Then again, that will probably be the norm as well when you have Ralph and Trevor down low. Teams will not want to come inside.

Fairfield lost last night at home to a bottom feeder Big Least team in Providence. They gave up 80 points on 55.6% shooting.

...pretty good numbers for the worst-shooting team in the history of organized basketball.

I love this post. Where are those who know so much about basketball? Now, if we lose the next game, something that they are waiting for, they will be here like a magic.

Go Gophers

I love this post. Where are those who know so much about basketball? Now, if we lose the next game, something that they are waiting for, they will be here like a magic.

Go Gophers

nice shooting night but nothing to get overly exicted about. this was against a bad defensive team. still a long ways to go before saying this will be the norm.

nice shooting night but nothing to get overly exicted about. this was against a bad defensive team. still a long ways to go before saying this will be the norm.

Tell that to Michigan fans when their team has barely broke 50 points this year. They must be waiting for Big Ten to get excited also?

Go Gophers

They made some shots and got some good contributions from the bench. Hats off.

But, this South Dakota State team that had played Saturday night and is a bad defensive team absolutely begged Minnesota players to shoot from the outside. If the Gophers shoot the same percentages against a good defensive team in Fairfield on Thursday night, maybe then it deserves its own thread... but in this one, outside of their two seniors, Minnesota shot under-50% against an awful defense. I wouldn't call for a celebration parade quite yet.

Nonetheless, nice nights from several guys off the bench.

Thing is, they've been getting open looks in all three games prior, they just weren't dropping. Last night they finally got a few to go down. That can only help the confidence, cause obviously they're hitting the shots in practice (I doubt Tubby would just throw that shooting quote out there unless he's seeing it in some manner), so the potential is there. Defense so far has contributed very little to their struggles from the field IMO, it's just not making the open shots, period.

I think younger players (specifically the freshmen) have a tendency sometimes to struggle to get their shots to drop when the lights come on, whether it's simply not being as aggressive as they should or just trying to find their spots. Coleman for example, on at least a couple occasions I can recall caught the ball in position to attack the rim and he didn't. At Hopkins, that move would have been made, but he's still trying to figure a few things out here I'm sure. It'll come with time, same with Dre Hollins.

I love this post. Where are those who know so much about basketball? Now, if we lose the next game, something that they are waiting for, they will be here like a magic.

Go Gophers

Bold comment comment...they do not exist.


Shooting was nice to see, but the ball and player movement without the ball was the best I have seen in a number of years. It resulted in a lot of open looks from inside and out. Good shot selection as well, except Ralph's thee point attempt on the first possession with about eight seconds off the shot clock. (This was my first in person and viewing of the team this year.)

I love this post. Where are those who know so much about basketball? Now, if we lose the next game, something that they are waiting for, they will be here like a magic.

Go Gophers

Real Truth- with all due respect- I think that's hogwash. Are there a few here who relish the losses? Probably. But most who complain about the way things are simply are longing to see a better season and have been a bit discouraged about the recent and not so recent past. The idea that anybody who complains about the Gopher's play or Tubby is a Tubby hater or a non-Gopher fan is not a good one.

Shooting was nice to see, but the ball and player movement without the ball was the best I have seen in a number of years. It resulted in a lot of open looks from inside and out. Good shot selection as well, except Ralph's thee point attempt on the first possession with about eight seconds off the shot clock. (This was my first in person and viewing of the team this year.)

Couldn't agree more. Ball movement was much, much better. I think having a PG who is serviceable (Hollins, Welch, Mav) helps a ton. At the end of last year we were just plain screwed without Al.

Was encouraged by the second half, and the bench play. The Gophers actually looked efficient on offense, especially in the 2nd half. However, still need work feeding the post (Trevor). SDSU had a tent around Mbakwe all night, but even so when he got open, too often we'd miss the opening and be late delivering the ball.

Was encouraged by the second half, and the bench play. The Gophers actually looked efficient on offense, especially in the 2nd half. However, still need work feeding the post (Trevor). SDSU had a tent around Mbakwe all night, but even so when he got open, too often we'd miss the opening and be late delivering the ball.

This was definitely something I noticed as well. Not sure if it's got somewhat to do with so many young guards and newcomers, but they definitely will need to shore that up otherwise it's gonna affect the production of our half court offense. Overall though, I thought the ball flowed well and there wasn't a lot of standing and dribbling. Hopefully as they get more and more acclimated, it'll only get better.

Real Truth- with all due respect- I think that's hogwash. Are there a few here who relish the losses? Probably. But most who complain about the way things are simply are longing to see a better season and have been a bit discouraged about the recent and not so recent past. The idea that anybody who complains about the Gopher's play or Tubby is a Tubby hater or a non-Gopher fan is not a good one.

As I said before, you are not one of those. You actually know what you are talking about.

Go Gophers

As I said before, you are not one of those. You actually know what you are talking about.

Go Gophers[/QUOTE

Actually - I don't- but thanks for saying that. But I have been watching the Gopehrs for many, many years, so that counts for something. :)

Tell that to Michigan fans when their team has barely broke 50 points this year. They must be waiting for Big Ten to get excited also?

Go Gophers

not sure what the Michigan fans have to do with whether the Gophers are a good shooting team or not

not sure what the Michigan fans have to do with whether the Gophers are a good shooting team or not

This shows how much you know about the other Big10 teams. Michigan has no inside game. They rely on the 3-pt shots. They are not making them this year so Gophers can not be the worst Big10 team. Also, MSU shot 10% 3's the other night. I wrote that because some people said that shooting was our problem. At this point, we are not the only team that has this problem.

Go Gophers

I love this post. Where are those who know so much about basketball? Now, if we lose the next game, something that they are waiting for, they will be here like a magic.

Lets look at the real truth "The-Real-Truth". Nobody wishes this team any bad luck. Until this game the shooting from beyond 6' has been awful. When people lament poor play they are only telling it the way it is or was (I hope).

I agree about the second half, and that was a problem for us last year - I like seeing that adjustments are made and they improve throughout the game, not fall apart.

And figi - I simply interpreted the remark to be in regards to the people who show up here only for losses.

The-Real-Truth;460109This shows how much you know about the other Big10 teams. Michigan has no inside game. They rely on the 3-pt shots. They are not making them this year so Gophers can not be the worst Big10 team. Also said:
I don't know about the other teams in the conference because unlike you I don't think the Michigan fans have anything to do with the Gophers or any other teams shooting percentage. sure that makes sense I guess.

I think the gophers have a fast, athletic team who will be able to score from the outside, inside, free throw line and off the dribble going to the basket. Dre, Rodney, Austin, Joe, Mav, Chip, Ralph, Trevor, Welch, Oto. That's 10 guys who can score in one way or another, some in more ways than one. This doesn't even consider how you can score off of defense, pressing etc..

This team will have no excuses come the end of the year and should go 500 or better at the least in conference. If they can split with MSU, Illinois, IU, and Wisky and/or beat a Purdue or Michigan they could win 10 to 12 games in conference and would be top 25 team and a 5 to 6 seed.

For me, Gopher hoops has always been the best show in town. Even during the down times. So please, Gopher extremists, don't misconstrue the next point simply because it expresses reservations about this team. This team has a LONG way to go to prove it is a good shooting team. With the exception of SDSU, they've shot poorly with EVERY GAME AT HOME -- where they practice every day. The real test will be how they shoot on the road -- crowd noise, depth perception, more defensive intensity by the opponents in front of their home fans, even different rims.

If they can put up decent shooting numbers on the road, I'll be thrilled. Already pleased to see people like Mav contributing and some improvement in the half-court offense. Now if only Ralph could play like the senior he is.....

For me, Gopher hoops has always been the best show in town. Even during the down times. So please, Gopher extremists, don't misconstrue the next point simply because it expresses reservations about this team. This team has a LONG way to go to prove it is a good shooting team. With the exception of SDSU, they've shot poorly with EVERY GAME AT HOME -- where they practice every day. The real test will be how they shoot on the road -- crowd noise, depth perception, more defensive intensity by the opponents in front of their home fans, even different rims.

If they can put up decent shooting numbers on the road, I'll be thrilled. Already pleased to see people like Mav contributing and some improvement in the half-court offense. Now if only Ralph could play like the senior he is.....

Good first post. I agree with you that Gopher hoops is always #1. I also agree that we won't know about our shooting until after the Thanksgiving tournament and we may still not know until the first true road game, but at least we'll have a better feel after that night.

It's amazing how good an offense looks when shots fall, and how bad an offense looks when shots don't fall. Seems simplistic, but often times the most simplistic reasons hold value.

Great shooting and ball movement

We shot it well and we had really good ball movement. Part of that really was a pack it in defense. They rarely even pressured the ball. They all sagged to Trevor and gave us the outside shot. I'm glad we hit some outside shots because their main goal was to not let Trevor get the ball down low and he didnt until late when they were tired or on offensive rebounds. I miss Hoff he could really feed the post with a nice bounce pass or the lobb which has to go right away not a second after looking, the opportunity is gone.

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