5-star and former USC WR Kyle Prater will transfer to Wisconsin or Northwestern

he won't be eligible to play until 2013 season due to transfer rules. at which time he will be something like 28 years old! ;-)

Eff...this kid is good
and how do we know that? yeah, he got a high "star" rating from the recruiting services. but to be honest, i seem to remember we have had a few recruits like that as well (i.e. high star ratings) who didn't exactly produce like their recruiting service star rating would suggest they should. i don't really recall hearing about or seeing prater play much since he got to usc, so who really knows how "good" this kid is. wait and see, imo.

If the kid is willing to make a 2-year commitment to a school to play football for 1 year, then so be it. This is a much different situation than rent-a-QB. I haven't seen this kid play at all, so I can't comment on how good he will or won't be, but it is extremely speculative at this point - the guy could tear an ACL, get on drugs or whatever and we could never hear from him again. Or he could be all Big 10. We'll see.

If the kid is willing to make a 2-year commitment to a school to play football for 1 year, then so be it. This is a much different situation than rent-a-QB. I haven't seen this kid play at all, so I can't comment on how good he will or won't be, but it is extremely speculative at this point - the guy could tear an ACL, get on drugs or whatever and we could never hear from him again. Or he could be all Big 10. We'll see.

He'll have three years of eligibility left.


Couldn't resist to chase Dpo from another thread.

He signed in 2010 and redshirted, so he will sit this year then be able to play 2 years. He was a 5*, #1 ranked WR in 2010 and has outstanding size (6'5, 215). He was hampered by some minor injuries which is one reason he didn't see more action. That, and USC probably has a half dozen upperclassmen 4* WRs. So it's likely even if he plays below his potential ("4* or high-3*") that he'd still be the top WR playing for NU or UW.

I know nothing about the situation, so i'm only going off of what i've read on PAC 10 blogs, it seems like everyone (even USC) fans believe the whole mess of WRs are actually being cut, sort of forced to transfer. Kiffin is getting blasted for it all over the interweb. I have no idea if it's true or not, but it seems kind of surprising that Kiffin is supposedly going to more of a TE, power running attack and they have so many WRs planning on transferring.

That said, Prater seemed pretty talented in HS.

Wish Coach Kill would take a shot at getting him...

The reason cited for transfer is to be closer to his family in suburban Chicago. A proposed move to Madison already strains the bounds of credulity; a move to Minneapolis would tear them asunder. If his stated reason were legitimate (which we all know that it isn't), the only candidate should be Northwestern, and perhaps Notre Dame.

Kyle hasn't been able to stay healthy, and when he finally was, Marquise Lee emerged. it's a shame, as an SC fan...as we were all looking forward to watching this kid play. but he's got family issues, and never really got a shot because he couldn't beat out brice butler for the 3rd spot. ironically, butler is transferring too.

sc is loaded at wr, not doubt about it. robert woods will be a jr, lee a soph, george farmer a soph, then a couple redshirts, and a couple more new kids coming in next year. plus a huge stockpile of talented TE's.

kiffin likes a balanced offense, and they were very good last year. they will be better next year.

best of luck to kyle...wish he would consider the gophs...he would certainly be a boost to that corp.

I know nothing about the situation, so i'm only going off of what i've read on PAC 10 blogs, it seems like everyone (even USC) fans believe the whole mess of WRs are actually being cut, sort of forced to transfer. Kiffin is getting blasted for it all over the interweb. I have no idea if it's true or not, but it seems kind of surprising that Kiffin is supposedly going to more of a TE, power running attack and they have so many WRs planning on transferring.

That said, Prater seemed pretty talented in HS.

Essentially he was forced out because they are going to be required to not have over 75 scholarship athletes on the football team next year.....Notre Dame just got Amir Carlisle, Kyle Prater will be transferring and there will be a few more as well. Prater is an unreal talent, but there are even better players in front of him.

wolfman --This does have something to do with the 75 scholarship player limit though, does it not?

The reason cited for transfer is to be closer to his family in suburban Chicago. A proposed move to Madison already strains the bounds of credulity; a move to Minneapolis would tear them asunder. If his stated reason were legitimate (which we all know that it isn't), the only candidate should be Northwestern, and perhaps Notre Dame.

For what it's worth, Madison is 140 miles from Proviso versus 108 to South Bend.

For what it's worth, Madison is 140 miles from Proviso versus 108 to South Bend.

Right, which means about an hour less travel time on each occasion a round trip is needed.

The only reason I bring it up is that it's pretty disingenuous to say "I want to be close to family", but then say "Wisconsin or Northwestern" while excluding Notre Dame (or Illinois, for that matter). For what it's worth, I have read that Kyle's mother insists on one of the aforementioned two (as stated in the article), but Kyle himself is also considering Illinois alongside them.

Right, which means about an hour less travel time on each occasion a round trip is needed.

The only reason I bring it up is that it's pretty disingenuous to say "I want to be close to family", but then say "Wisconsin or Northwestern" while excluding Notre Dame (or Illinois, for that matter). For what it's worth, I have read that Kyle's mother insists on one of the aforementioned two (as stated in the article), but Kyle himself is also considering Illinois alongside them.

I'm guessing that you haven't spent a whole lot of time driving from Chicago to South Bend? I fly into Chicago a lot and end up driving to South Bend, Michigan City, Benton Harbor. That drive is ALWAYS effed up.

I honestly think I could drive from Midway more quickly to Madison than South Bend. At least that is the experience I've had driving east rather than north.

I'm guessing that you haven't spent a whole lot of time driving from Chicago to South Bend? I fly into Chicago a lot and end up driving to South Bend, Michigan City, Benton Harbor. That drive is ALWAYS effed up.

I honestly think I could drive from Midway more quickly to Madison than South Bend. At least that is the experience I've had driving east rather than north.
There is SOOOOO much construction between Madison and Milwaukee it is ridiculously f*cked up.

There is SOOOOO much construction between Madison and Milwaukee it is ridiculously f*cked up.

Ah...haven't made that drive recently. Usually if I end up driving north from Chicago, I'm not going past Milwaukee.

But I guess I would probably take the route west to Rockford, and avoid Milwaukee anyways.

Ah...haven't made that drive recently. Usually if I end up driving north from Chicago, I'm not going past Milwaukee.

But I guess I would probably take the route west to Rockford, and avoid Milwaukee anyways.
To get to Kenosha my family takes I think 894 which bypasses Milwaukee, but even before than there is still a lot of traffic before we get to that.

The only reason I bring it up is that it's pretty disingenuous to say "I want to be close to family", but then say "Wisconsin or Northwestern" while excluding Notre Dame (or Illinois, for that matter).

This link suggests that Prater's scholarship release was conditional on not transferring to Notre Dame or any Pac-12 school, presumably because ND is like a conference opponent for SC since they play every year.


Michigan City, eh? You running golf tournaments for pregnant teens or something?

wolfman --This does have something to do with the 75 scholarship player limit though, does it not?

that's a fair assumption, but I think kiffin would rather keep both RB carlisle (going to ND) and prater. so, i don't think these two specifically play into that. carlisle's dad just got a position w/ purdue, and now they will be thin at RB going forward. some other transfers, like DB TJ Bryant are not a siginificant loss for the program, and their departure offers them better playing opportunities elsewhere.

When it comes down to it, the 75 limit will force kiffin to "cut" some kids. it's gonna be nasty, but he will not really have a choice.

kiffin will get ripped regardless of what he does going forward. he is despised...no doubt about it. i really disliked him during his time at SC under Pete (his god-father btw), but have really respected his development over the past two years. he's a lights out recruiter, and i believe a very good offensive play-caller/coach. when he gets on a roll, he's tough to scheme against. he seems to have put the adolescent shenanigans behind him (the Tennessee stuff), and has been low-key since taking over as HC.

still, some ugliness will come out of this...some underperforming upperclassmen will lose their schollies most likely over the next couple of years. it's sad.

funny, comparing the tOSU penalties against the SC penalties. 3 years at 75 (-10 per year), two year bowl ban, as a fan...I can no longer attend practice w/ my kids...because reggie and his parents were on the take from would-be agents. compare that to the tressel situation, to the miami situation, north carolina, etc. effing ridiculous. paul dee should be tarred and feathered.

But I guess I would probably take the route west to Rockford, and avoid Milwaukee anyways.

Yeah, the quickest way from that area of Chicagoland to Madison (construction or not) would be via Rockford on I-90. As UU mentioned, that drive east from Chicago always seems to be a nightmare for whatever reason.

Catechol's link about the conditional release doesn't surprise me one bit. Even if that isn't/wasn't the case, I would hope Prater isn't considering Notre Dame just out of respect for USC. Playing for both of those schools has to be a sin in the eyes of the college football gods.

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