5 BCS conferences, including B1G, are primed to form new division within NCAA


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Buried in Chip's column on Manziel was this paragraph which I found quite interesting:

According to various reports, five BCS conferences, including the Big Ten, are primed to form a new division within the NCAA and operate under their own rules. They would have power to enact their own guidelines on everything from stipends to recruiting. Maybe they even would allow athletes to sell their autographs.


What would this new paradigm look like? Would this render the NCAA powerless?

Go Gophers!!

Buried in Chip's column on Manziel was this paragraph which I found quite interesting:

According to various reports, five BCS conferences, including the Big Ten, are primed to form a new division within the NCAA and operate under their own rules. They would have power to enact their own guidelines on everything from stipends to recruiting. Maybe they even would allow athletes to sell their autographs.


What would this new paradigm look like? Would this render the NCAA powerless?

Go Gophers!!

The NCAA is bigger than just the top football division...but I don't think they are equipped to oversee the Top Football Division and the rest of collegiate athletics under one banner. The money from those 5 conferences is enormous and should be carved out.

...primed to form a new division...

What does the word "primed" mean in this context? About to? Ready to? thinking about it? I think there must have been a less ambiguous word that could have been used.

After reading that blurb I still don't know whether this is still just talk, or the conferences are planning to act.

I wonder if this is exclusive to football or for all sports?

What does the word "primed" mean in this context? About to? Ready to? thinking about it? I think there must have been a less ambiguous word that could have been used.

After reading that blurb I still don't know whether this is still just talk, or the conferences are planning to act.

It sounds like it isn't even talk. We don't know what "primed" means, and we don't know what the "various sources" are.

There are people who desire that the BCS conferences break away from the NCAA, but unless university presidents and regents are behind the idea, it's just bluster, and I haven't seen any evidence that they are.

Nothing would prevent a new division, but it wouldn't mean they could ignore NCAA rules. The schools in the new division would have considerable power to change the rules, but they already have that. The only way to entirely rid themselves of NCAA rules would be to leave the NCAA entirely, and I don't see any evidence there is a real move to do so.

What does the word "primed" mean in this context? About to? Ready to? thinking about it? I think there must have been a less ambiguous word that could have been used.

After reading that blurb I still don't know whether this is still just talk, or the conferences are planning to act.

It sounds like it isn't even talk. We don't know what "primed" means, and we don't know what the "various sources" are.

There are people who desire that the BCS conferences break away from the NCAA, but unless university presidents and regents are behind the idea, it's just bluster, and I haven't seen any evidence that they are.

Nothing would prevent a new division, but it wouldn't mean they could ignore NCAA rules. The schools in the new division would have considerable power to change the rules, but they already have that. The only way to entirely rid themselves of NCAA rules would be to leave the NCAA entirely, and I don't see any evidence there is a real move to do so.

It sounds like it isn't even talk. We don't know what "primed" means, and we don't know what the "various sources" are.

There are people who desire that the BCS conferences break away from the NCAA, but unless university presidents and regents are behind the idea, it's just bluster, and I haven't seen any evidence that they are.

Nothing would prevent a new division, but it wouldn't mean they could ignore NCAA rules. The schools in the new division would have considerable power to change the rules, but they already have that. The only way to entirely rid themselves of NCAA rules would be to leave the NCAA entirely, and I don't see any evidence there is a real move to do so.

Penn State and their legislature certainly are primed to do so. They may be the real impetus for this whole thing being floated. If my sense is correct, I would be against the move for the fact that recent history proved the NCAA has some cajones.

Chances are this is just posturing. Have "various sources" make vague "statements" to get the other schools in the NCAA worried, so when the big guys make requests (i.e. demands) they get passed. The other schools realize that the 5 AQ conferences fund most of the NCAA expenses, so if they leave the NCAA would be crippled. So to a fair extent the other schools will allow them to get away with a lot before they really draw a line in the sand and say leave if you cross this line, so long as they think the schools are serious about leaving.

Maybe we could have more idiotic abbreviations. FBS, FCS, SDTNFBS (Super Duper Top Notch Football Bowl Subdivisioin)!

What does the word "primed" mean in this context? About to? Ready to? thinking about it? I think there must have been a less ambiguous word that could have been used.

After reading that blurb I still don't know whether this is still just talk, or the conferences are planning to act.

Primed means add a little extra fuel to the carborator to encourage the engine to fire and get started. (This was way before the age of you pups.) Or in the case of a new water well, add a little water to encourage it to start pumping. So "primed" kind of means add a little lightening to the fire, and get on with it.

We can debate primed and vague sources but the part I thought was really interesting is the idea of them forming a new division "within" the NCAA which to me would still imply an affiliation with the NCAA even if they are free of many of the guidelines. There has been talk of the big conferences breaking away for a long time (none of it with much to back it) so the idea is not all that far fetched and I would not be shocked to learn the plans are accelerating with all the realignment and other changes that have taken place the past few years.

Hard to believe the NCAA would allow this; greed is splitting college football in all directions and don't be surprised if they kill the golden goose in the process.

Hard to believe the NCAA would allow this; greed is splitting college football in all directions and don't be surprised if they kill the golden goose in the process.

Great Plains, I hate to disagree with you, but I shall. I would much rather watch college FB than NFL FB simply because of the amateurism and hunger of the young guys, which also bleeds down to watching High School FB.

Primed means add a little extra fuel to the carborator to encourage the engine to fire and get started. (This was way before the age of you pups.) Or in the case of a new water well, add a little water to encourage it to start pumping. So "primed" kind of means add a little lightening to the fire, and get on with it.

So how many beers does it take before you are primed?:rolleyes:

This could be a way for the NCAA to stave off a mutiny and keep the BCS conferences somewhat in the fold. Let the big FB conferences have their own division, and they could adopt policies - like stipends - that the smaller schools do not support and probably could not afford.

That way, the NCAA still gets to have some association/control over the big FB schools (and the money they generate), and the big FB schools are allowed a little more freedom to do things their way - without having to fight the smaller D1 schools over rules changes, etc.

Yes, it would result in a more fragmented college FB scene - but we're probably heading that way, anyway.

This could be a way for the NCAA to stave off a mutiny and keep the BCS conferences somewhat in the fold. Let the big FB conferences have their own division, and they could adopt policies - like stipends - that the smaller schools do not support and probably could not afford.

That way, the NCAA still gets to have some association/control over the big FB schools (and the money they generate), and the big FB schools are allowed a little more freedom to do things their way - without having to fight the smaller D1 schools over rules changes, etc.

Yes, it would result in a more fragmented college FB scene - but we're probably heading that way, anyway.

Oh Great . . . DI ATG . . . where Any Thing Goes. Paying Players, Student Afficiation and Classes Optional, Individual endorsement deals for players, or anything else tht would provide a recruiting advantage and destroy college football as we know it. What a wonderful idea, may as well call it the 18-23 year old pro leagues. Heck, the players wouldn't even need to be affiliated with the school, just wear the jersey on Saturday. Maybe the 190 million project could be funded with player autographs?

Penn State and their legislature certainly are primed to do so. They may be the real impetus for this whole thing being floated. If my sense is correct, I would be against the move for the fact that recent history proved the NCAA has some cajones.

Not everyone holds that belief.

Oh Great . . . DI ATG . . . where Any Thing Goes. Paying Players, Student Afficiation and Classes Optional, Individual endorsement deals for players, or anything else tht would provide a recruiting advantage and destroy college football as we know it. What a wonderful idea, may as well call it the 18-23 year old pro leagues. Heck, the players wouldn't even need to be affiliated with the school, just wear the jersey on Saturday. Maybe the 190 million project could be funded with player autographs?

Somebody needs to start up Major Junior Football League.

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