46 members and 350+ guests on Gopherhole?!?!?


Active member
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
I saw something even crazier the other night...112 members and 950 guests browsing the forum?!

I just have to say, everyone out there reading, JOIN THE SITE!

It's really easy to do, and the more members we have the more fun it gets with debate, discussion, etc.

You know you want to.

I saw something even crazier the other night...112 members and 950 guest browsing the forum?!

I just have to say, everyone out there reading, JOIN THE SITE!

It's really easy to do, and the more members we have the more fun it gets with debate, discussion, etc.

You know you want to.
Not true about easy to join. I tried to join twice before and both times I was never validated by a mod. Finally worked out the third time.

Some things never change. People just enjoy watching the carnage.

"I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle." (1 Samuel 17:28,

all the guest can quickly see how alot of the discussions turn into personal attacks and lose interest. More facts, opinions and thoughtful dialogue and less name calling would turn guests into members.

I saw something even crazier the other night...112 members and 950 guests browsing the forum?!

I just have to say, everyone out there reading, JOIN THE SITE!

It's really easy to do, and the more members we have the more fun it gets with debate, discussion, etc.

You know you want to.

In addition, a little donation to the GopherHole pot of gold would be greatly appreciated by those of us that do. It is easy to give a small amount from lots and lots of people to keep this "free" website available.

C'mon Gopher Fans, add a little to the kitty!!!

all the guest can quickly see how alot of the discussions turn into personal attacks and lose interest. More facts, opinions and thoughtful dialogue and less name calling would turn guests into members.

Exactly. Go check out the How to Watch the Post-Mbakwe Gophers thread to see why many of these guests don't join this board GoldyLove. Perfect example of the type of thread degeneration that keeps me off this board half the time.


all the guest can quickly see how alot of the discussions turn into personal attacks and lose interest. More facts, opinions and thoughtful dialogue and less name calling would turn guests into members.

There seems to be just about as many comments stating this than actual personal attacks. Is there stuff like that here? Sure, but it's not as much as some make it seem.

But either way, go on any team's message board when things aren't going well and you'll see the same thing. It's just how it is.

Not true about easy to join. I tried to join twice before and both times I was never validated by a mod. Finally worked out the third time.

I had no trouble signing up but that was about 50 years ago.:)

all the guest can quickly see how alot of the discussions turn into personal attacks and lose interest. More facts, opinions and thoughtful dialogue and less name calling would turn guests into members.

Agree with this. I read GH all the time and very rarely post. The last time I did, I had a differing opinion on something and got made fun of for having a username close to "semen" (it's supposed to be for southeast MN). Maybe I'm thin-skinned because that's actually kind of funny, but I'd feel pretty dumb spending time posting and getting nothing but name-called for my troubles. Might as well just go bang my head against a wall instead.

Agree with this. I read GH all the time and very rarely post. The last time I did, I had a differing opinion on something and got made fun of for having a username close to "semen" (it's supposed to be for southeast MN). Maybe I'm thin-skinned because that's actually kind of funny, but I'd feel pretty dumb spending time posting and getting nothing but name-called for my troubles. Might as well just go bang my head against a wall instead.

If you think this is bad check out the Off-Topic board!


Agree with this. I read GH all the time and very rarely post. The last time I did, I had a differing opinion on something and got made fun of for having a username close to "semen" (it's supposed to be for southeast MN). Maybe I'm thin-skinned because that's actually kind of funny, but I'd feel pretty dumb spending time posting and getting nothing but name-called for my troubles. Might as well just go bang my head against a wall instead.

You do need a thick skin to be on GH. At times, we do eat our dead.

I have been around for a long time, but do not always sign in. In fact, since I check the site several times a day, the majority of the time I do not sign in. I would guess that is the case with a lot of the guests online. Also, with all of the confusion over Mbakwe and his injury, I assume that leads to an increase in people simply looking for answers.

I have been around for a long time, but do not always sign in. In fact, since I check the site several times a day, the majority of the time I do not sign in. I would guess that is the case with a lot of the guests online. Also, with all of the confusion over Mbakwe and his injury, I assume that leads to an increase in people simply looking for answers.

Just curious. Why don't you do the 'auto' sign-in? It's a lot more simple and I like simple.

Just curious. Why don't you do the 'auto' sign-in? It's a lot more simple and I like simple.

Exactly, 19. When ya log in, click on the "remember me" notice and it is automatic.

In addition station19, since I retired life is MUCH more simple!!!

hmm, never thought about that. Will look into.

Exactly, 19. When ya log in, click on the "remember me" notice and it is automatic.

In addition station19, since I retired life is MUCH more simple!!!

And Millions2Spare claimed I never contributed anything to this board.

That'll fix him.:cool03:

And Millions2Spare claimed I never contributed anything to this board.

That'll fix him.:cool03:

Well, with M2S one has to consider the source. After all, wasn't it m2s who didn't think rebounds on free throws should count or was that his pseudo missedlayup?

Just curious, what's so bad about that thread? Because someone said "That is just stupid"?

The Mods deleted an exchange between two individuals that were basically insults before you checked it. It lasted several posts. TYpical of some of the posts on this board.

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