40+ Charleston Southern Players Apparently Suspended Over Bizarre Bookstore Violation


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Nov 21, 2008
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NCAA and school look really bad if this is the entire story. Hopefully there is more to it because this is downright ridiculous if the complete truth.

Charleston Southern is scheduled to pay a visit to #3 Florida State this weekend, but they may be without a ton of their players. It appears that their entire offensive line and more than 40 other players will be suspended for the game because of a strange bookstore money violation.

CSU running back Ben Robinson posted on Facebook this evening that he and “30+” other players had been suspended for the FSU game this weekend for improper use of book money. Apparently, Robinson and some other players used leftover money allotted for books on other bookstore products. This drew the eye of the NCAA, which has levied suspensions.

It gets worse:

As the NCAA rulebook lays out, schools can give out money for book purchases, but only the exact amount needed to buy the books. The players were not notified that they were to return the extra (CSU is an FCS school, so the rules are slightly different) so they used it on other bookstore supplies without knowing it was a violation.

The onus here is most certainly on the CSU administration for failing to properly notify their players of the bizarre rules they were subject to, then, as Korn says, going on a “witch hunt”. A CSU assistant is currently suspended for a recruiting violation, so this is not exactly the most organized school. What’s most curious here is the timing. Announcing a raft of suspensions right before the team’s most prominent game on their schedule sure makes the players look bad, and takes some of the heat off CSU’s administrators. Additionally, forcing players to pay back the overages is punitive and extremely disingenuous, given who ****ed up in the first place.


They should quit their bitching. This seems like a small price to pay for North Carolina's transgressions.

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I have a buddy who plays football for a certain school to the west and every year after he doesnt purchase his books he buys some big electronic. Last year he bought a ps4 with his "book money" and this year a 60" tv. His book allowance is $2500. This whole thing is stupid.

This is beyond stupid.

You have you bagman hand out cash... you don't hide it in finances that you have to report and the NCAA can easily investigate...

They should quit their bitching. This seems like a small price to pay for North Carolina's transgressions.

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Ha! With the billions in revenue, why can't the NCAA spring for some pencils?

They should quit their bitching. This seems like a small price to pay for North Carolina's transgressions.

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