3rd & 4th and short play calling & execution worst in the country

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
QB sneak on 4th before #82 muff? Cakewalk 1st. Quick hand off to full back? Lead blocker in the backfield? Johnson's play calls sure don't help our sub par O line. I couldn't believe they didn't sneak the prior to muff one!

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On some of these plays you need to give more than one look.The clap cadence and pistol look easy to defend in short yardage The formation . needs some variation. Could use a fullback dive on occasion to. We never run any toss sweep or fake that action off belly.

Not going for the QB sneak on 4th and inches is the one that really sticks out to me. With a QB as big as Mitch that play should almost be a gimme if you get any sort of push at all out of your offensive line as he just has to fall forward.

Short yardage execution was brutal all game.

I couldn't believe the last failed 4th and 1. The play looked like the old sprint/draw and that's not going to work against a nine-man front even if your line is top-notch. Just a poor call. I don't think you could execute that perfectly and get the first down. Just too many defensive bodies.

Not going for the QB sneak on 4th and inches is the one that really sticks out to me. With a QB as big as Mitch that play should almost be a gimme if you get any sort of push at all out of your offensive line as he just has to fall forward.

Short yardage execution was brutal all game.

Agreed. Was listening while driving up to Tacoma. Radio guys said right side of line including Fahning and TE were getting blown up. Where were the two JUCO guys or was Calhoun doing alright and Wright was hurt?

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3rd. and 2 and you line up in the pistol, it all of a sudden it becomes 3rd. and 7. You have to advance the ball after the snap 7 yds. Makes no sense.

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