3 very good options at RB

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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An embarrassment of riches. I imagine Kobe's play today will advance any healing that Brooks still has lingering. Going to be a battle for carries. Competition is good.

I dare to say that with his speed out of the hole, Shannon Brooks might have gone for 200 today.

I dare to say that with his speed out of the hole, Shannon Brooks might have gone for 200 today.

Funny, my friend said the same thing on a couple of carries by our backs. He said "Broooks would have taken it to the house"

Funny, my friend said the same thing on a couple of carries by our backs. He said "Broooks would have taken it to the house"

IDK you guys could well be right, but McCrary, to me, runs a lot like Brooks but he is bigger. McCrary makes people miss too. He breaks ankles. It will be fun to compare them side by side. Rodney is very different to me. Also, effective but more like Houdini or a pinball game....he gets tackled seemingly behind the line almost every carry but comes out the other side, somehow, some way and consistently. 3 fun guys to have. JJ looked very good too in the scrimmage. And if it wasn't discipline or injury related the guy today at the end has evidently moved ahead of JJ. Brooks is good, no doubt...anxious to see if he is better than McCrary because McCrary was pretty impressive today. All those guys plus Mitch carrying the ball and today we had receivers passing the ball...we keep improving and our offense could be special. Line was better today than game one...how much of that was the opponent? Anxious for game 3 to better see who we are.

So who was the third RB they put in at the end of the game, never heard of him. What happen to the kids from ND or Canada?

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So who was the third RB they put in at the end of the game, never heard of him. What happen to the kids from ND or Canada?

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/AQpjHl1.png" width="50%" height="50%">

So who was the third RB they put in at the end of the game, never heard of him. What happen to the kids from ND or Canada?

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Wife turned to me and asked (with a smile) why the PA announcer kept saying "damn the ballcarrier" after every run on the final drive.

I was thinking the same thing. Never heard of the third running back but the other two had gotten some attention and I thought they would play in a game like yesterdays.
So who was the third RB they put in at the end of the game, never heard of him. What happen to the kids from ND or Canada?

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When D. Jam came into the game, I only vaugely remebered him being a walk-on, it was only after some wrote that he was a walk-on JUCO transfer that I remembered the whole story. We are somwhere between 4 and 6 deep at the running back spot.

When D. Jam came into the game, I only vaugely remebered him being a walk-on, it was only after some wrote that he was a walk-on JUCO transfer that I remembered the whole story. We are somwhere between 4 and 6 deep at the running back spot.

Is that his rapper name?

rb depth is nice

I didn't see McCrary making people miss. I saw huge wholes with a big back going north not east or west plowing for 10 yards over and over. I like that we have a big back option, but Brooks has done great things against good big ten teams not mid majors. McCrary could be a better version of Roderick Williams, but I am not going to bring out the chorus unless he can produce against a good big ten team. Nice to see the offense execute well regardless of the competition.

IDK you guys could well be right, but McCrary, to me, runs a lot like Brooks but he is bigger. McCrary makes people miss too. He breaks ankles. It will be fun to compare them side by side. Rodney is very different to me. Also, effective but more like Houdini or a pinball game....he gets tackled seemingly behind the line almost every carry but comes out the other side, somehow, some way and consistently. 3 fun guys to have. JJ looked very good too in the scrimmage. And if it wasn't discipline or injury related the guy today at the end has evidently moved ahead of JJ. Brooks is good, no doubt...anxious to see if he is better than McCrary because McCrary was pretty impressive today. All those guys plus Mitch carrying the ball and today we had receivers passing the ball...we keep improving and our offense could be special. Line was better today than game one...how much of that was the opponent? Anxious for game 3 to better see who we are.

I didn't see McCrary making people miss. I saw huge wholes with a big back going north not east or west plowing for 10 yards over and over. I like that we have a big back option, but Brooks has done great things against good big ten teams not mid majors. McCrary could be a better version of Roderick Williams, but I am not going to bring out the chorus unless he can produce against a good big ten team. Nice to see the offense execute well regardless of the competition.
McCrary on his TD run, made one guy miss, then made a nifty jump cut, on the way to the end zone. I would say that both show surprising nimbleness for a big back.

Is it just me, or does Rodney Smith look tiny? Maybe it was the first week when we were wearing all maroon that made him look so. (or our offensive lineman are that massive that he looks so small)

If only we could run all 3 at the same time.

Backups and options are outstanding.... but stacking it up in one spot while lacking others is one of those yay, and not yay situations.

Is it just me, or does Rodney Smith look tiny? Maybe it was the first week when we were wearing all maroon that made him look so. (or our offensive lineman are that massive that he looks so small)

He's on the smaller side for a running back. About the size of Jahvid Best.

The Gophers have a full stable of horses for a B1G run. Why not capitalize on the good RB depth by playing them all whenever they can? Keep the top three runners' legs fresher and get in game experience for the others where it may make a difference at the end of the season.

Here is where I'd rank them in terms of favorites:

1. Shannon Brooks
2. Kobe McCrary
3. Rodney Smith
4. Carlton Djam
5. Jim Johannesson
6. Jonathan Femi-Cole

I haven't gone to practices, but folks are saying Djam and JJ both looked good.

Brooks lateral quickness is a different level from the other backs. Lots of times there was room on the outside where Brooks would have taken the ball. All of them bring something different to the table, great stable of backs, but Brooks is clearly the best.

I'm not an analyst by any means, but it appeared to me that Kobe was very patient coming out of the backfield. In particular, I noticed him rotating his head seeming to look over the field. Cobb used to do that. In part that might have been because he's just good and in part because our offensive linemen were really dominating a weaker team. I'm not sure he can be as patient against Penn State, who will be moving much faster, but we shall see. Saturday, he was certainly the best running back on the field.

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