2012 B1G Early Heisman Watch


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Nov 20, 2008
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Saw the blog on ESPN is already running the early watch. Got me thinking about how the Gophers campaigned for Chris Darkins after a 3-8 season leading into another 3-8 season. Will the U campaign for Gray at all heading into next season? I doubt it, but I guess you never know.

Robinson will have to cut down on his interceptions, develop into a better passer and compete against the insane numbers he's put up the past two seasons.

Can someone fill me in on why his numbers would be considered "insane" in 2011? 28 QB's averaged more total yards a game than him this year.

Also find it funny that White at Wisc is named here. Doesn't that say to anyone how Montee Ball and his stats were much more a product of the offense (linemen, QB) and schedule than anything else and that you could put a backup RB in the system and he could have "Heisman potential"?

I was surprised Gray wasn't mentioned if some of those on the list were. Sr QB second year in a stable offensive system. A few electrifying performances and an 8-win season would be enough for him to be mentioned at the very least (see: RGIII). If he had 5 games like Iowa and MSU this year (and actually win the games like @MSU) it would be something, no?

That's a pretty sad list for the B1G. I really hope more players make some national hype for the conference than those three next year.

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