2:30 kick-off for New Mex St. & Miami OH

New Mexico St. and Miami OH games both at 2:30 on BTN


Per MV from Phil Miller.


What a home schedule this year! Already half of our games will be 2:30 or later with NMSU, Miami, Nebraska and NDSU - plus at least one of our away games at USC. Anyone know how many 2:30 or later games we've had the last couple of years? Doesn't feel like this many.

This is good news. 11 a.m. Games begone!!

Awesome! Even though we probably won't win many games, I'm really looking forward to this season. It reminds me a lot of the 1998 version of the gophers. Billy Cockerham takes over as qb and young defense is just starting to figure it out. Too bad we missed those field goals in Bloomington.

This is really good, especially for fans outside of the metro. I know if I lived in someplace like Duluth or Marshall, I'd be a lot more willing to pack up the car and head to the Cities for a game if I didn't have to get up before sunrise to do it.

I hope the rest are 11 am starts, I hate the 2:30. Either have it early or have it late.

I wouldn't mind if with the new tv deal (when it eventually happens) they shift games from an 12/330/8 ET format to a 12/330/730 CT format

I hope the rest are 11 am starts, I hate the 2:30. Either have it early or have it late.

I agree, I hate the 2:30 games. It screws the entire day, cant do anything before and cant do anything after. It is a lot easier to grab a bite after the game at 3:30 than 6:30 or so.

End of the Dark Ages. I don't have to leave home at 7:30 AM for a game. But I still will... Party on, Wayne. Party on, Garth.

I agree, I hate the 2:30 games. It screws the entire day, cant do anything before and cant do anything after. It is a lot easier to grab a bite after the game at 3:30 than 6:30 or so.


tailgate before and tailgate after. What a GREAT day. Ain't so hiwayman.

tailgate before and tailgate after. What a GREAT day. Ain't so hiwayman.

Now all we need is for those tailgate rules to change so we can just go all day if people want. Those lots aren't used for anything else those days.

I agree, I hate the 2:30 games. It screws the entire day, cant do anything before and cant do anything after. It is a lot easier to grab a bite after the game at 3:30 than 6:30 or so.

....it doesn't "screw the entire day", the great thing about college football Saturday is when it IS the entire day.

The biggest problem I have with the 11 am starts are that they interfere with youth football and soccer on Saturday mornings. Twice last year I had to choose between my two sons' (8 & 10) football games or the Gophers. As huge of a Gophers fan I am, I am a bigger fan of my kids.

Nice. A few days where I wont have to feel like the neighborhood drunk going into the bar before noon. Sure, I'll still be the neighborhood drunk, but this wont look quite as bad.

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