1st half officiating most one sided I've ever seen


Oct 4, 2009
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I'm normally not the guy to freak out about officiating, but the 1st half was totally inexcusable. First, Minnesota gets a stop on 3rd down, but they call pass interference on a pass that was literally 10 yards over the WRs head. You can't call PI on an uncatchable ball. Then later McKnight gets taken down in the endzone for a no call. Finally, and probably worst of all. On 4th and 2 Lair got mauled way before the ball got there and somehow there was no call.

I have never seen such a biased officiating job in one half of play. Which explains why Minnesota had the same amount of yards as PSU at half, but were somehow down 21 7. Should have been tied at worst. I get that there's a 'Paterno' rule of favorable calls, but it really seems like the refs were in the bag from the beginning today.

The officiating was very bad, in the second half PSU had a couple against them, but still those guys should lose a weeks pay.

It just kills you when your playing your heart out and you get multiple bad calls.

I think you can argue a lot of the calls, but the only one that really got me was the fumble on the punt ... can anyone explain the rule the ref was citing on his brief announcement? There isn't seriously a "waive off" that "kills the play" is there? I've watched football for a long time and am very confused as to what happened here.

psu penalties

Yeah they got 2 questionable ones but only after the game was decided. 2 plays killed us - the interception in the end zone - (interferrance but thrown into coverage!) and the next play - 54 yard td for PSU.

I agree. If the refs decide to make ticky-tack calls like the first PI, then there's no way you just let the one on McKnight slide. At least the "These refs suck" chant went on for a pretty long time


Also the fair catch that bounced...then blown dead. The refs were brutal.

Blowing the punt dead was bizarre. Can anyone offer a possible explanation as to what the official THOUGHT he saw?

I honestly can't imagine what was running through his head. The receiver didn't catch the ball. What other possible interpretation was there?

Blowing the punt dead was bizarre. Can anyone offer a possible explanation as to what the official THOUGHT he saw?

I honestly can't imagine what was running through his head. The receiver didn't catch the ball. What other possible interpretation was there?

Give JoePa's nephew a break. He only started reading the "officiating for dummies" book a few days ago, and hadn't gotten to the chapter on special teams yet.

maybe it was just me but it seemed like the official blew the punt dead before the guy even touched it.....

The punt deal was a non-factor, the PSU receiver recovered right away. No bearing what so ever.

The big PI was on the 4th down play that Lair was the intended target, clear interference and no call.

In my opinion, the Theret PI was legit. The Stoudermire PI was a bad call.

The punt deal was a non-factor, the PSU receiver recovered right away. No bearing what so ever.

The big PI was on the 4th down play that Lair was the intended target, clear interference and no call.

In my opinion, the Theret PI was legit. The Stoudermire PI was a bad call.

I understand that the punt deal was a non-factor, but I'd still like to know what the call was ... especially after the bizarre explanation following the play.

The punt deal was a non-factor, the PSU receiver recovered right away. No bearing what so ever.

The big PI was on the 4th down play that Lair was the intended target, clear interference and no call.

In my opinion, the Theret PI was legit. The Stoudermire PI was a bad call.

exactly. But without the TS PI there would have been no Theret PI.

The student section was really booing-oh wait the ss was at the library!

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