1500: Breaking down the Gophers OL: Ed Olson set to lead developing group


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Nov 11, 2008
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Jerry Kill's take on ... Ed Olson

"I think he stepped up his game in the spring. He got stronger. He's quicker. He takes great pride in his game. He had a great spring. He really did. I think he has had a great summer. He told me the other day he is 310, 312. He's helping himself. He's stronger than he was a year ago and that will make him a better football player and he's done a good job of leading our group in the summer."


Go Gophers!!

I am sure we are going to see a lot of competition and improvement in our offensive line play this fall. The real question is how much. Personally, I am having a hard time not being excited about the potential here. Where is Rosemountain when I need him to throw a wet blanket on my optimism?

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