11,000 single-game tickets available for every game

Hates Monikers

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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From the Star Tribune:

The current season-ticket base is 29,110 -- excluding students -- and there is a waiting list of about 2,000 that is expected to translate to at least 5,000 tickets.

Next up: Student season-ticket sales start April 25. The university will sell up to 8,000 season tickets to students this spring, holding an extra 2,000 for incoming freshmen and transfers this fall.

The goal is to sell at least 40,000 season tickets, including student sales, for next fall. Capacity for the new stadium is about 51,000.

I guess I was overly optimistic. I do think that season ticket base will creep up when people who go to select Big Ten games find out that they aren't assured of getting in without a season ticket.

But I'm wondering: Why is there a waiting list if they're hoping to sell 5,000 more tickets and even if they're successfull there will still be 11,000 seats available?


From the Star Tribune:

I guess I was overly optimistic. I do think that season ticket base will creep up when people who go to select Big Ten games find out that they aren't assured of getting in without a season ticket.

But I'm wondering: Why is there a waiting list if they're hoping to sell 5,000 more tickets and even if they're successfull there will still be 11,000 seats available?


You forgot 3000 reserved for the visiting team, so that cuts the number down right there. There is another 500 or so owned by the administration that aren't in that number....its not going to be nearly that big when its all said and done

read the bottoom of this thread:


Consider the waiting list the next tier of season ticket holders. They will get tickets. They just stopped the process last fall to figure out the initial phase of ticketing. Its basicially just a nomenclature thing for the U of M at the moment. Everyone on the waiting list as of today will get tickets. They might not get to pick them till June or July, but they will get tickets.

Here's my math

- 29,000 (Current public season tickets)
- 10,000 (Students)
- 3,000 (Visitors)
- 5,000 (Estimated wait list)

= 4,000 (Remaining to be sold)

I don’t know whether the season ticket number includes the tickets held by the athletic department, reserved for sponsors, etc. If it does not, then the number of seats remaining will be lower.

- 29,000 (Current public season tickets)
- 10,000 (Students)
- 3,000 (Visitors)
- 5,000 (Estimated wait list)

= 4,000 (Remaining to be sold)

I don’t know whether the season ticket number includes the tickets held by the athletic department, reserved for sponsors, etc. If it does not, then the number of seats remaining will be lower.

What about club seats and premium seating, is that included in the 51,000 and not the season ticket numbers?

They are using some funny math in that article. If the current season ticket base reups and the student season tix sell out then you have 39,000 already. They mentioned in the article that they expect at least 5000 seats sold from the waiting list. That gets you to 44,000. With 3,000 alloted to the visitors and probably around 1,000 alloted to the U, you then have a max of 2,000 left (i.e. 48,000 tix sold). That doesn't even include all of the club and box seats that are to be sold and would be part of that 2,000 remaining. Bottom line is that the stadium will be sold out or very close to sold out when it is all said and done by the middle of this summer.

They are using some funny math in that article. If the current season ticket base reups and the student season tix sell out then you have 39,000 already. They mentioned in the article that they expect at least 5000 seats sold from the waiting list. That gets you to 44,000. With 3,000 alloted to the visitors and probably around 1,000 alloted to the U, you then have a max of 2,000 left (i.e. 48,000 tix sold). That doesn't even include all of the club and box seats that are to be sold and would be part of that 2,000 remaining. Bottom line is that the stadium will be sold out or very close to sold out when it is all said and done by the middle of this summer.

I think its a case of underpromise/overdeliver. They don't know how many folks will reup and they don't know how many seats the waitlist will deliver. They can pretty much guarantee that 40K seats will be sold. I'm sure the U has other predictions much closer to yours, but they can't assume anything...if they sell less than they predict then they've created a negative image and negative story going into the season.

Club and premium seats

What about club seats and premium seating, is that included in the 51,000 and not the season ticket numbers?

I believe that both the 51,000 and 29,000 numbers include club and premium seats.

I think GoAUopher has nailed it. If they sell 44,000 season tickets, which appears to be about what they expect, everyone's happy. If a couple thousand student tickets go unsold and some people opt not to renew and they end up with 41,000, they can say they still beat their expectations. Win win.
51,000 - 3,000 visitors - 1,500 premium - 500 Ath Dept = 46,000 to sell

If they get to 44,000 and people realize they can still grab one at the end, they'll get snapped up in no time as the season approaches.

Are we sure that the 2000 on the wait list is 2000 people and not the number of total tickets, like the gopher point system is, where you get a number for each ticket you have?

They said there are 2000 people on the waitlist and that they expect these people to buy 5000 seats (average of 2.5 seats per person on the list).

You can buy a half-seat only when the team gives a half-assed effort. Hopefully it won't happen.

Are we sure that the 2000 on the wait list is 2000 people and not the number of total tickets, like the gopher point system is, where you get a number for each ticket you have?

I'm on the waiting list at #802 or something, that is for 4 seats. Now I'm wondering if I can skip picking my seats in late May and combine my season tickets with my wait list tickets if I'll be guaranteed seats.

I'm on the waiting list at #802 or something, that is for 4 seats. Now I'm wondering if I can skip picking my seats in late May and combine my season tickets with my wait list tickets if I'll be guaranteed seats.

I'd call the ticket office or e-mail them to confirm how this would work. You don't want to find yourself misclassified as a non-renewal customer and lose your priority or something stupid like that.

It is disheartening that there are so many tickets still available, however it is part of a greater ill. I'm still expecting that disappointed queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I look around at the 1/3+ red clad stadium the first week of October. I know at least one fan who is releasing his ticket to enemy via the avenue of avarice that plagues my gopher nation [stubhub]. I pray this sorry excuse for a fanbase can rise to the challenge and prove my fears misplaced.


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