10 College Football Coaches on the Hot Seat For 2015 (Ferentz, Wilson, Golden)


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Nov 11, 2008
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per The Big Lead:

Kirk Ferentz [Iowa] Ferentz had a good run. Since then, Iowa has finished in the Top 25 twice in 10 years. The Hawkeyes have had a winning Big Ten record once in the last five years. Ferentz has lost three of four to Iowa State. A bad Iowa State (see below). Set up with as soft a schedule as one could hope for in 2014, Iowa went 7-5. Ferentz has spent five years trying to round the corner, and still has not turned the wheel. His infamous buyout is steep, but not as steep with the present and future TV money.


Go Gophers!!

My absolutely favorite "Hotseat Coach" (on coacheshotseat) is Mike Riley - the new Nebraska coach.

We haven't even started the season and he's on the Hot Seat at #16. Those Nebraska Fans are angry!!


Ferentz has been on the hot seat for a long time, but his contract made it too expensive to fire him, after next season the economics aren't as daunting. I would not be surprised, if Ferentz retires or is fired after next year, but I think two years is more likely.

^ We were pissed too when we hired Kill but unlike Nebraska our angst quickly went away after the first Kill press conference. It is interesting to see the likes of Golden and Leach on these lists who many of us wanted as our coach.

^ We were pissed too when we hired Kill but unlike Nebraska our angst quickly went away after the first Kill press conference. It is interesting to see the likes of Golden and Leach on these lists who many of us wanted as our coach.

Difference is that Kill wasn't 61 coming off 14 years of mediocrity at a power 5 school.

Iowa can complain about Ferentz all they want, but who's going to want to come to Iowa City that's any better than him?

My delusional Iowa 'friend' always thought Bob Stoops would want to come back. Maybe his dream comes true if Stoops gets fired at Oklahoma.

Iowa can complain about Ferentz all they want, but who's going to want to come to Iowa City that's any better than him?

My delusional Iowa 'friend' always thought Bob Stoops would want to come back. Maybe his dream comes true if Stoops gets fired at Oklahoma.

They asked the same thing when the Gophers fired Mason. And actually, depending what you believe, there were a couple names that might have been interesting (Kiffen [granted, he's a j@ck@ss and they'd probably be on sanctions] and Strong among others).

Then they asked the same thing when the Gophers fired Brewster (and the answer ended up being a guy nearly nobody had heard of after several people weren't interested). At some point though if you expect more and you're not getting it you have to make a move and make the best hire you can.

Last two years combined, Kill and Ferentz have the same conference record.

Funny how this works.

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