1-3 heading into B10 play, How Long Do We Have to Wait??


Mar 12, 2010
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Fire this worthless used-car salesman and please start interviewing canidates Mr. Maturi.

Candidates? Just sign Leach, don't even need to interview him. Brewster probably interviewed very well, shows how much that means!

Does anyone who lives in the T.C. have any credible names that are turning up in the rumor mill? I visited last weekend and a buddy was telling me Mike Grant has been getting some pub. My incredulity at that was vanished when same buddy asked if he could do ANY worse than Brewster...

Seriously, who could be our Chris Peterson who would come in and build our program, establish an identity, and win?

Honestly, can anyone out there throw out some names in the rumor mill to take over the pig-show this program has become?

I don't care if they bring a monkey in to coach, that thing would be better then Brewster

Does anyone who lives in the T.C. have any credible names that are turning up in the rumor mill? I visited last weekend and a buddy was telling me Mike Grant has been getting some pub. My incredulity at that was vanished when same buddy asked if he could do ANY worse than Brewster...

Seriously, who could be our Chris Peterson who would come in and build our program, establish an identity, and win?

The next brain dead idiot that suggests Mike freaking Grant as the coach of this team should be beaten like a rented mule. (this includes 95% of the nimrods that post on the Strib comments boards.) Sure, let's hire a guy whose only non-high school experience was three years as a unpaid assistant to Gagliardi at St. Johns, and that was only because he thought Gags was going to retire (now, 25 years later, Gags is still there) and Grant thought he'd get the job.

Grant is an excellent X's and O's coach. (disclaimer - I played for him in high school, but not at EP). He's also one of the biggest tools I've met in my life. He knows how to play the high school politics game and kiss the asses of the influential parents who are teachers and on the school board. It doesn't hurt that he coaches for one of the three largest schools in the state with a massive talent pool. To possibly suggest that this high school coach should be taking over a BCS conference college team is beyond ludicrous, and anyone who would even suggest such an idea ought to have their head examined, and then crushed in a trash compactor.

To possibly suggest that this high school coach should be taking over a BCS conference college team is beyond ludicrous, and anyone who would even suggest such an idea ought to have their head examined, and then crushed in a trash compactor.

How about examine the head after it is crushed in the compactor? It would save the U money by not paying for a bone saw to cut into the skull!

How about examine the head after it is crushed in the compactor? It would save the U money by not paying for a bone saw to cut into the skull!

Ever have a hatchet go right through your skull. Just before the pain you feel that cool air on the middle of your brain.

Seriously, I think Maturi and friends are going to see how the first 2 to 3 conference games go. If he loses 2 out of the first three I don't think he makes it to the end of the season.

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