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  1. G

    PJ Fleck has beaten everyone in Big Ten West … except Iowa

    As a diehard Gopher fan living in Iowa City, it absolutely torturous experiencing the giddy aftermath here of an Iowa victory over the Gophers! Please let us beat them in Mpls and let me hear the grumbling instead!!!! (Normally would drive up for game, but not this year :( )
  2. G

    What are you drinking for the game?

    I hope this doesn't start a debate about labor unions but Surly Furious IPA, occasionally changing things up with my other go-to Bells Two Hearted IPA.
  3. G

    U: First person you think of when you see this picture? (The Barn)

    Mychal Thompson and Ray Williams are fondest memories as players to watch, but I think of my bud Dick (Duck) and how one time in school UM in 70s we sat in nosebleed seats, had snuck in a couple brews, only guy up there squealed on us, and we got tossed out by staff. Priceless.

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