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  1. 2

    Marcus Q&A with Coyle: "I’ve started to have conversations with people today...I’ve had conversations with people about who is interested and not"

    LOL sorry no. Rick Pitino is 73. It isn't stopping him. 70 is the new 60. Minnesota is not an entry level job. Whoever is hired is going to need to have experience working in environments where you don't have all of the advantages. Because being honest, Minnesota has few. If it was me I'd...
  2. 2

    Reusse: Unlike the Gophers’ coaching situation, the solution for Williams Arena is simple: Blow up The Barn

    Something dramatic definitely needs to be done with Williams. But I would point to NC State's experience with Reynolds Coliseum as a cautionary tale of how leaving history behind can go very wrong. They severely downgraded from the best on-campus experience in the country to an antiseptic venue...
  3. 2

    Marcus Q&A with Coyle: "I’ve started to have conversations with people today...I’ve had conversations with people about who is interested and not"

    If Indiana hires McCollum, that strikes me as a sign of where they are - a guy 2 years out of D2 at Indiana? Doesn't scream power hire to me for a program at that level. But whatever. Minnesota has its own problems and plenty of them. The Gophers basically need a coach that can raise the...
  4. 2

    New Coach Short List

    Overall this is a pretty insane list. There's very little chance of most of these even considering the job. Medved obviously is a logical listing, and McCollum should be the first call even if he might turn it down. But for the name no one has suggested yet, I submit Herb Sendek. Sendek...

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