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  1. goldengophs11

    interesting tourney column

    Due to an off day tomorrow, and out of sheer boredom I decided to take a look at some projected fields ( and came across a sportingnews projection from Monday January 13th, and Ryan Fagan had some interesting things to say along with the projections its quite a read and...
  2. goldengophs11

    New Vlog on YouTube

    Hey Guys, I made a Vlog earlier this year, had some support and decided to do another one. I had to get my feelings about the recent performances lately, but I'd appreciate any support you guys can show. If it doesn't interest you, no worries just trying to get my opinion about the team out...
  3. goldengophs11

    Vlog on youtube

    Hey guys I was thinking of starting a vlog on youtube with updates on the season and some of my viewpoints on the season and on the conference as a whole please check it out I'd really appreciate it and would enjoy feedback on what i can improve on and things you liked about it and would enjoy...

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