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  1. J

    Iowa loses top running back

    K Johnson has announced he is going to enter the NFL draft. Good news for the Gophers. Unless Iowa goes to the portal for a running back, their closet is empty.
  2. J

    Helmets in bowl games

    In the Las Vegas bowl, QB on both teams have helmet microphone so that Coach on sideline can call the play —-like in the NFL. Hope NCAA adopts this advancement. The Fleck double sideline peak won’t be necessary. Thank goodness. Haven’t heard if the Detroit Decoy bowl will follow suite.
  3. J

    Did anyone hear what the President of NCAA testified concerning NIL?

    Charlie Davis, President of NCAA testified in Congress today. I can’t find what he said about changes in UIL. I did read he testified about transgender athletes competing against girls. Nothing definite except there would be separate locker rooms.
  4. J

    Great weekend

    What a perfect weekend. Out Gophers win, Bucky gets beat, Iowa looked like crap, Packers win, ViQueens lose. Couldn’t ask for a better start. What day you.
  5. J

    Opt outs

    While I know there has been discussion on JMS not playing in the bowl. I am wondering what about the opt outs. yes, I know we didn’t have any others but would do you think if perhaps Jackson said, “I’m not playing because they have a stud at free safety and I don’t want to hurt my chances for...
  6. J

    Percentage of commits that actually sign

    I am getting concerned about the decommits. Does anyone have "stats" from previous years showing the nu early commitments that actually ended up signing a scholarship? I do realize this is an unexact science.

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