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    Gophers in other countries!

    I have spent today looking at seasons4u (thank you MGGopher)...pirate stream's are what I am dependent on otherwise!
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    Gophers in other countries!

    Thank you! For all the hospitality I have received in Minnesota...if ever any of you are in the the south of let me pay it forward!
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    Gophers in other countries!

    Hi I usually get a good stream going by the 2nd or 3rd game. This year, not to end up hearing it on radio, does anyone have a good streaming site? Does a paid subscription for YouTube, with VPN, allow us to see it? Are there any paid sites I could access, not living in the US? Thank you
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    Arizona State football - shut it down

    As a geography major from the U...I still like the one about the trucker who went to Duluth , Georgia. Maybe that's when our pipeline started!!
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    What are you drinking for the game?

    Flat middle aged! My kids & wife have never been to America ( I did undergrad there because my late father had studied at the U -- when we were actually champs) They are trying to understand why I am in such a foul mood!
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    What are you drinking for the game?

    4:00 time....ughh... drinking black rum!! In grumpiness!! But, have been here before! Cheers Gopherhole!
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    What are you drinking for the game?

    Thanks...looks like I might need it!! Up in the hills in South India!!
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    What are you drinking for the game?

    Fresh coffee! I grow it!! It will be 5:00 am in my part of the world!
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    Best GopherHole Posters...

    I miss Dr. Don OTB : nasty seems to have it's tentacles in here!!
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    Gopher Football Replays

    Thank you for doing this!!
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    Thank you, GopherHole!

    Thank you!! You write very well and your analysis is top notch!!
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    Who else will struggle to sleep tonight?

    The game is 2:00 am my time!! Twiddling thumbs!!
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    Official College Game Day Sign Ideas Thread

    I prefer 'jucy lucy' to 'fat pat'!!
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    Where are You Watching B1G West Title Game?

    2:00 am my part of the world!! At home with a brandy or whisky....but...but...I do have some brats which I plan to have!!

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