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  1. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    It is up to people to verify my statements on their own. Posts do not need to be cited, frankly if you read a lot and have a decent memory it is near impossible sometimes. Who knows what article you are thinking of that you read 2 weeks ago... No, I am not an expert. I am not sure why he used...
  2. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    The point is if it is rapidly mutating it might be a bit early in the game to have something you expect would work by the time it is released, that more mapping and tracking of mutations may be needed to know what angle to attack it from at a time in the future. That is all. People being able to...
  3. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Because I am not a liar and I should not have to do work for people, when I say something these are things that can be fact checked. More so when it is something that is all over the place and easy to find. That said he was kind of being a little pompous, so...I did some work for him to prove my...
  4. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    And I'll raise you.
  5. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Sigh. Again, this is a slow mutating virus, there are no clinical differences, they do not foresee any in the near term, they do not expect immunity to be affected across variants, at current. I'll keep saying it, you seem to want to ignore it. I am just saying what experts are saying I have no...
  6. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    I don't think you showed an example of what you think, they were just touching on it not ever being 100%, and that the antibodies without being created with a specific memory in mind wouldn't recognize an infection that is unknown to them. In most basic of terms you might have acquired the...
  7. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    I am not guaranteeing anything, I am just saying we have developed immunity, this has been proven, was never really in doubt, just because some people (very few) for some reason don't develop immunity or develop one to a lesser degree (as with all viruses), doesn't negate we do in fact develop...
  8. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Again the variants are not clinically different, they do not feel immunity is affected between strains. Moreover, as I alluded to experts are skeptical there have been cases of re-infection. They feel there are ways to explain it away. Like the person did not fully recover in the first place...
  9. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Meanwhile they have used CPT and people have recovered, from being in critical condition no less. We have immunity, we don't know how long it lasts. This hasn't changed. Nothing is guaranteed, it never is, this is true with all viruses, but you cannot dwell on outliers, i.e. older people or...
  10. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    It has been clearly and repeatedly stated there is no clinical deference between the strains, there is little difference between them. They do not feel immunity is affected. There is a bunch that has been said including about dominant strains taking over because of this immunity preventing less...
  11. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    I have not seen one piece of information claiming otherwise, so I would say it is a consensus. That said you are correct there is a lot we don't know, especially the public. And like most of the public an appeal to experts is all we have. Experts, ones that have gone on the record, do not feel...
  12. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    As I said this is viewed as a slow mutating virus and the differences now or in the foreseeable future will not impact immunity, that is how they see it. The 8 strains are not clinically different. Maybe you know better? That or you are just tossing things around that are not legitimately viewed...
  13. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    We Know we have immunity to it, stop saying we don't know, we do. We are working on antibody testing to clear people for return to work, we are also working on CPT using these antibodies. What we don't know or has not been made public is how long the immunity lasts. Based on related viruses it...
  14. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    We know they build an immunity, the question is how long it lasts.
  15. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    The best data on the mortality rate is from people in confined environments. When data is applied to the rate of how contagious it was while also accounting for proportional representation across groups in society they expect the mortality rate is about 0.6% up to 1%, with the unlikely possibly...
  16. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Meh. First, the mortality rate is nowhere near 3%. They expect it to be below 1%. The best case I read would put it at around 0.6%. Second, not everyone will be infected. Third, it is less about how many are infected but rather who. And lastly, the more people infected assuming it is the low...
  17. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    I disagree that would result in additional fact it would result in fewer deaths in all likelihood. People aged 0-49 (66%) would place less than 1/3 the strain on the system the remaining population would. So, I do agree the near complete shutdown is and was a mistake; you can undo...
  18. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    So, they are doing this to try and save lives... otherwise why would they care about the load on the system??? Right.
  19. S

    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    There are a ton of pessimistic people on here. When this is all said and done and restrictions are lifted you will likely have one of the largest booms in history. Not all jobs will come back immediately, but in time the numbers will come back and probably exceeded pre-covid19 benchmarks. It is...

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