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  1. S

    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    Ummmm. Maybe reserve that for someone else.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    Well they weren't fired when they made jokes about another scumbag who was likely killed by law enforcement ...much sooner after his death...way sooner I don't care what ideology is of the person telling the joke is, just if it is humor, better if I find it funny, but I don't need to.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    I don't get the extreme anger...this is effectively a late night talk show might not like the target, but it is humor, like it or not.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    People really don't understand case law or the constitution or the many things going into this. And I can deal with the topic, but this is not the "complicated" thing to waste my time on other than barbing others for being absent of humor.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    Respectfully, are you eating paint chips? It could only be a joke. He was a drug user he was dead for a month, he was now then drug free for a month. I love dark humor. The world would be such a better place if we could respect people's rights to make "too soon" jokes. RELAX. If people don't...
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    I laughed it was funny, caught me off guard. If you cannot find the humor in it too bad. A joke and physically harming someone are not the same thing.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    False equivalency. I am sure you know that...or you have bigger problems.
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    K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

    People can make jokes, dark humor is awesome. Screw people who don't appreciate it and overreact. He shouldn't be expelled for this he did nothing wrong.
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    Official 2021 Gophers Football Recruiting Updates Thread: Links, Tweets, Videos etc

    Unbelievable. Big deal, he watches OAN and is right leaning. Nope, somehow things got to change...what a joke.
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    Carter Coughlin was among the protesters on the highway at the time of the semi-truck incident

    My comment was rhetorical. Moreover what really kills me is channel 5 showed video where the frame rate was clearly sped up to condemn the drive. Our world is a joke, screw facts, push an agenda, narrative or flat out propaganda, then never apologize or recognize your actions and the damage you...
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    Carter Coughlin was among the protesters on the highway at the time of the semi-truck incident

    But the news and the Governor said this was a stain in humanity. Why would they lie?...
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    Official 2021 Gophers Football Recruiting Updates Thread: Links, Tweets, Videos etc

    Trying to get rid of daylight saving time is all about subsidizing big candle.
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    Chip: When the games come back, will you be there?

    If you stay home and avoid contact with people you won't get it. So opening up to 66 percent of people would only place 1/4th the strain on the system. The "old" place society at the greatest risk because it is them who will overwhelm the system. Moreover, People under 50 have an effective...
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    Chip: When the games come back, will you be there?

    Meh. We get the concept. Though it cannot "stagnate" like it is and realistically have a chance of lifting restrictions. I am not afraid. I do wish "old' people would stay home for everyone's protection and you open it up for the rest. I do believe this is overstated. I guess it has to do with...
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    Chip: When the games come back, will you be there?

    It is actually the opposite. The shutting down and closure of things is slowing the spread. In this state growth of infections is too slow. We will be one of the last to come out of this and potentially more susceptible to a second wave as a result. You actually have to get people infected to...
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    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Who knows. All we have to go by is the experts and they seem to be optimistic as of now, things can change, things do change. Are they right now? Will that hold? The thing with scientists is they love to talk and make predictions, then when if it doesn't happen they will move the goal posts. I...
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    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Correct. The first thing that matters is how long immunity lasts, the second thing is can they make a vaccine that continues to produce antibodies for longer than that and the third part is what role antigenic drift play in the future, i.e. will we need to re-inoculate every year, every few...
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    Axios Sports: No football would break college sports

    Flu vaccines are not a perfect science, in that they don't always work, sometimes the effectiveness is fairly poor or really poor...look it up if you want to be surprised. They also have to adjust them twice a year and only cover four of the what is seen as the likeliest strains to hit.

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