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  1. R

    2024 Bowl Projections Tracker

    really, really, really do NOT want to have to play Syracuse. AGAIN.
  2. R

    Which QB would you rather have starting for the Gophers on Saturday?

    Well, it worked out very very well for us Gopher fans. Hopefully it eventually works out allright for AK. Not on Satudrday though.
  3. R

    Heat check!

    Just once in oen of these games where we are up 3 or 4 with 4 minutes to, a long 45 yeard TD PASS. Yes. PASS. Go for the throat.
  4. R

    2024 Bowl Projections Tracker

    The Nashville trip was a lot of fun in 2005 (except for losing). The Bowl has grown its stature. We've beat Atkansas and Alabma there, and lost in 05 to Virginia. If you have never been to Nashville, you owe it to yourself to see Broadway......
  5. R

    2024 Bowl Projections Tracker

    Pinstripe would be better than what I was expecting after the Michigan game, which was basically "nothing".
  6. R

    The Gophers have not had a victory over Bret Bielema in NaN days.

    11,000 days plus is a frickin long time. BEAT ILLINI!
  7. R

    2025 Road game

    Berkeley is a blast. Also easy BART trip to SanFran.
  8. R

    GH Mailbag.

    Has Quinn Carroll played his way into being drafted for the NFL?
  9. R

    After 25 years… I’m out

    Been to El Paso, Nashville, and Phoenix. Each one of these were good trips. El Paso 1999 was cool since it had been so long that the Gophers were in ANY Bowl. Nashville 2004 beating Alabama! And the recent Phoenix Bowl. Gophers have broken all of our hearts many times. But not ready to...
  10. R

    Week 7 Big Ten Power Rankings

    On most of these lists, Purdue is last this year
  11. R

    McDonald in portal

    My guess is he should probably drop a level and try Duluth or Mankato or somewhere similar
  12. R

    2024 Bowl Projections Tracker

    Other than the COVID year, I don't think B10 Teams have the option of declining an invite to an affiliated Bowl. Otherwise, I could sure see if Michigan,say, dropped to the Dteroit Bowl, they would just say nahhh. I liked the game in the phoenix area. Crappy field, but the game was fun to...

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