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    going to UNC per Dicky V
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    ILL, MSU lose

    no undefeated left in B10
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    Why do we still have jump circles at the head of the key when the rare actual jump is always at center court? Tradition or something?
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    BCS? and this is how it works and I hate BSU
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    Beaver Stadium

    PSU plays in Beaver Stadium which is in University Park, PA but is also called Happy Vally and State College. Which is it?
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    Boise State player

    The starting junior left tackle for Boise State is a kid named Mat Slater out of St Paul. Is this someone the Gophs recruited? He's doing pretty well for BSU (of course that's against WAC teams)
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    Texas band

    performs worst rendition of Led Zepp's "Stairway to Heaven" ever..
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    Count how many times Spence says absolutely in the second half of the Wiscy game.
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    MSU blown out

    Maryland took it to MSU tonight, when Raymar is out of the game, MSU doesn't do anything. When we play them we need to rotate defenders and run offense against him to get him too foul, he gets totally out of it when the fouls pile up.

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