Absolutely. You have to wonder how the others (Hurley, Collins, et al) feel about Duke picking Scheyer already. Even though, as you said, not that any of them are superstars at their respective schools right now and deserved the job.
I have to agree. The momentum behind that would be huge. I like what he is doing nationally as well, but get those MN kids and that gets people excited. They don't need all 5, but have to think one joins and others follow.
They may not be the most talented team and that will show some nights in the Big Ten, but they are a mature team that has played a lot of college basketball, they seem like they could be a good shooting team, and they have Dave Thorson on staff which means the effort should be there on defense...
That 3 point shooting percentage is intriguing for sure. Ben has been clear in wanting guys who can shoot and defend. I like it!
Welcome to MN, Abdoulaye!
I'm too lazy to look at what Sam Freeman's stats were, but guessing Charlie will be in his role this year. Difference is Sam had multiple years left and Charlie is one year and done.
Now, come on down, Steffon Mitchell!