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  1. ComoCraig

    Favorite place to watch an away game

    As a Como native I have to put Manning's at the top of my list. Nothing better than walking to Manning's hungover, eating a big breakfast, watching the gophs, and walking home buzzed.
  2. ComoCraig

    Minnesota football traditions

    As a grown man seeing Goldy spin his head still makes me smile every time. I think we have the best Mascot in the Big 10, if not the country. Another favorite of mine is the defense holding up their fist after a third down stop. Always feels exciting. Last but not least I love the fact that...
  3. ComoCraig

    Pickems Week 3!

    Minnesota Auburn Michigan State Texas A&M
  4. ComoCraig

    P.J. Fleck shares his struggles with mental health

    The man drinks red bull like its water. A college friend of mine worked in the facility and would unpack and stock 10 cases of red bull at a time. I think coach Fleck's energy is independent from his caffeine consumption, but when you have a schedule like his I'm sure a little pick me up helps.
  5. ComoCraig

    Pickems week 2

    Minnesota Iowa State Houston Arkansas
  6. ComoCraig

    What grade would you give Kirk Ciarrocca in his Gophers return?

    I can see where you're coming from, but would you have really preferred it if Kirk left in the starters to run up the score to 50? Imagine if we got to 50 points at the expense of losing an offensive starter. I guess in my view putting up 38 points was doing more than what we needed to win. The...
  7. ComoCraig

    What grade would you give Kirk Ciarrocca in his Gophers return?

    Not sure how this is anything but an "A" performance. To those grading this performance on a curve, what would Kirk have had to do in order to earn an A? Scheduling is out of his hands, and he had our offense firing on all cylinders. He did his job about as well as possible. Not sure why factors...
  8. ComoCraig

    It's a go! Pickems for Week 1!

    Gophers Ohio State Nebraska Georgia
  9. ComoCraig

    The list is here. These are the 247Sports 30Under30 nominees for 2022 ‼️ (Former Gopher DeLattiboudere)

    Love to see this! Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. This is a great reflection of the culture of our program.
  10. ComoCraig

    2022 Best Burger Joint In Every College Town (Minnesota: Red Cow)

    I definitely agree that all 3 out class Red Cow. I'd also throw Angry Line Cook, Station 6, American Legion Post 98 and Revival in the mix for top burger in the Twin Cities. If you love burgers and live in the area I'd highly recommend checking out the MSP Burgers Facebook group.
  11. ComoCraig

    2022 Best Mexican Restaurant In Every College Town (Minnesota: Burrito Loco)

    If you like Ocampo on Lake you should check out Las Cuatro Milpas down the street. Delicious tacos and aguas frescas. I can tell you that it certainly puts burrito loco to shame.
  12. ComoCraig

    Personal Favorite Gopher Football player

    I think the previous posters did a great job keying in on the big names of my time as a gopher fan, but I'll try to include some "sleepers" of the same era. While he may have been overshadowed by other future NFLers on the defensive side, I always loved the passion and resilience of Winston...
  13. ComoCraig

    Quinn Carroll in the transfer portal

    I think on paper Quinn looks like a slam dunk to offer. Do you guys think there's a chance we land him?
  14. ComoCraig


    It's my understanding that Simon doesn't call plays which absolves him of most responsibility in terms of a one-dimensional game plan. Another factor is that Simon is the WR's coach on a team that runs the ball 70 percent of the time. I have to imagine if the game plan was up to Simon, he...

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